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doku:matlab-save [2015/05/12 10:25] – [Example: Serial Matlab Task] irdoku:matlab-save [2017/08/31 13:57] – removed ir
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-====== Matlab Jobs ====== 
-==== Run Matlab Task from command line ==== 
-Generate a matlab package called //test.m//, 
-and a function //add.m//, 
-<code>function z=add(x,y) 
-There are two ways to run this from the command line 
-option 1:<code> 
-/opt/sw/matlab-80/bin/matlab -nodisplay < test.m</code> 
-option 2:<code> 
-/opt/sw/matlab-80/bin/matlab -nodisplay -r  "add(2,3.4)"</code> 
-===== Batch Matlab job on VSC-2 =====  
-==== Example: Serial Matlab Task ==== 
-Create a new directory 
-[username@l01 ~]$ mkdir TestMatlab 
-[username@l01 ~]$ cd TestMatlab 
-Create an example file called ''myplot.m'' or download it from {{doku:myplot.m|here}} and put it in this directory: 
-[username@l01 TestMatlab]$ cat myplot.m 
-h = figure; 
-t = 0:pi/20:2*pi; 
-Then create a new file called ''matlab.sh'' as your job script, with the following basic contents: 
-#$ -N matlab 
-#$ -l h_rt=00:10:00 
-/opt/sw/matlab-80/bin/matlab < myplot.m 
-The contents of your directory should now be: 
-[username@l01 TestMatlab]$ ls 
-matlab.sh  myplot.m 
-Submit your job: 
-[username@l01 TestMatlab]$ qsub matlab.sh 
-When the job has finished you will see a "myFigFile.jpg" image file created.  
-==== Example: Local Matlabpool ==== 
-For using all cores on a machine effetively, a so-called matlabpool can be started: 
-#$ -N matlab 
-#$ -pe mpich 8 
-#$ -V 
-#$ -cwd 
-#$ -l h_rt=00:10:00 
-/opt/matlab-tu/bin/matlab < main.m 
-matlabpool %open local 8 % local profile is default setting, at most 8 workers are allowed with the local scheduler 
-matlabpool size 
-n = 500; K = 50; L = 10; T = zeros(1,L); 
-% serial inner loop 
-for l = 1:L 
-for k = 1:K 
-    eig(rand(n)); 
-T(l) = toc; 
-disp(['serial: ',num2str(mean(T))]) 
-% parallel inner loop 
-for l = 1:L 
-parfor k = 1:K 
-    eig(rand(n)); 
-T(l) = toc; 
-disp(['parallel: ',num2str(mean(T))]) 
-matlabpool close 
-==== Currently not available on VSC: Matlab Parallel Jobs using Matlab distributed computed environment (MDCE) ==== 
-In November 2012 a test installation of the MDCE enviroment was available for one month. For running Matlab in  
-parallel it has to connect to so called matlab workers. The job script below starts the MDCE processes, sets up  
-a MJS environment and connects a number of worker to it. Start up of the workers takes some minutes. 
-__Currenlty this software is not installed. From VSC Administration point of view most task can be handled with  
-the already existing campus workstation licences. If you are in need of this feature please **[[doku:contact|contact system administration]]**.__ 
-The job script and a sample parallel matlab job can be downloaded here:  {{:doku:matlab:matlab_mjs.tar.gz}} 
-Job script: 
-#$ -N matlab_test 
-#$ -pe mpich 32 
-#$ -V 
-#$ -cwd 
-echo "starting run with $NSLOTS_REDUCED processes; $NSLOTS_PER_NODE_USED per node" 
-uniq $TMPDIR/machines  > $TMPDIR/machines_uniq 
-JOBMANAGER_HOST=`head -n 1 $TMPDIR/machines_uniq` 
-#Kill all old matlab processes 
-for node in `cat $TMPDIR/machines_uniq` 
- ssh $node 'for i in `ps axu |grep matlab| tr -s " "|grep -v grep | cut -d " " -f 2`;do echo $i; kill -9 $i; done; rm -rf /tmp/matlab ;' 
-$MDCE start -clean 
-${DIST_DIR}/startjobmanager -name $JOBMANAGER -remotehost $JOBMANAGER_HOST  -v 
-${DIST_DIR}/nodestatus -remotehost $JOBMANAGER_HOST 
-#pdsh is too fast for the license server ... 
-for worker in `cat $TMPDIR/machines_uniq` 
- echo starting workers on host $worker 
- ssh $worker $MDCE start -clean 
- for i in `seq 1 $NSLOTS_PER_NODE_USED` 
- do 
- ${DIST_DIR}/startworker -remotehost $worker -name ${worker}_worker$i -jobmanager $JOBMANAGER -jobmanagerhost $JOBMANAGER_HOST 
- done 
-#What we actually want to do: 
-$MATLAB -nodisplay < $MATLAB_SCRIPT 
-#Clean up: 
-${DIST_DIR}/stopjobmanager -name $JOBMANAGER -remotehost $JOBMANAGER_HOST  -v 
-for worker in `cat $TMPDIR/machines_uniq` 
- echo stopping worker on $worker 
- for i in `seq 1 $NSLOTS_PER_NODE_USED` 
- do 
- ${DIST_DIR}/stopworker -remotehost $worker -name ${worker}_worker$i 
- done 
- ssh $worker $MDCE stop -clean 
-echo done 
-===== Batch Matlab job on VSC-3 =====  
-In order to be able to use matlab, you have to load the program with the 'module load xyz' command 
-[username@l32]$ module avail  # select a matlab version 
-[username@l32]$ module load Matlab/v8.5_R2015a # load selected version 
-[username@l32]$ module list   # check loaded modules 
-Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 
-  1) Matlab/v8.5_R2015a     
-(See also the introduction to the [[https://wiki.vsc.ac.at/doku.php?id=doku:slurm|module command.]]) 
-Now, Matlab can be called by 
-[username@l32]$ matlab   
-==== Example: Serial Matlab Task ==== 
-Analogously to VSC-2, we use the matlab m-file {{doku:myplot.m|myplot.m}} and create a file called ''jobSerial.sh'' as your job script, with the following basic contents: 
-#SBATCH -J test                     # job name 
-#SBATCH -N 1                        # number of nodes 
-#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1        
-#SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1 
-#SBATCH --threads-per-core=1 
-#SBATCH --time=10                   # run time unit=minutes 
-export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 
-time matlab < myplot.m 
-[username@l32]$ sbatch jobSerial.sh   # submit your job 
-[username@l32]$ squeue -u username    # check state of your job 