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doku:perf-report [2015/09/15 10:15] shdoku:perf-report [2020/09/24 12:50] sh
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-===== VSC-3: Performance Report (Allinea) =====+===== Performance Reports =====
 ==== Synopsis: ====  ==== Synopsis: ==== 
-''perf-report'' is a lightweight profiling tool that provides basic information about where the computing time is actually spent in a given application. It is developed by Allinea [[http://www.allinea.com/products/allinea-performance-reports]] and very easy to use, i.e. by simply inserting the call to ''perf-report'' prior to the usual execution of the program.  +''perf-report'' is a lightweight profiling tool that provides basic information about where the computing time is actually spent in a given application. It is developed by ARM (formerly Allinea[[https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/server-and-hpc/debug-and-profile/arm-forge]] and very easy to use, i.e. by simply prefixing the usual executable with a call to ''perf-report''
 +It is nowadays integral part of [[doku:forge|ARM's forge]].
 ==== Usage: ==== ==== Usage: ====
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    #SBATCH -J prflng            #SBATCH -J prflng        
    #SBATCH -N 2     #SBATCH -N 2 
 +   #SBATCH -L allinea@vsc
 +   #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16
 +   #SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1
    #SBATCH --time=00:10:00    #SBATCH --time=00:10:00
    module purge    module purge
    module load intel-mpi/5    module load intel-mpi/5
-   module load allinea/5.10+   module load allinea/6.0.6_PR
    perf-report mpirun -np 32 a.out    perf-report mpirun -np 32 a.out
  • doku/perf-report.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/11/04 10:12
  • by goldenberg