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doku:python [2023/04/05 12:24] – [Channels] katrindoku:python [2024/02/22 08:59] katrin
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-====== Python ======+====== Python in VSC ====== 
 +Previously we recommended using spack python packages, however we decided to deprecate this approach since it is much easier and user friendly to use '''conda''' which is already widely known.  
 +Have a look at the new **quickstart guide** below or the material from the python4hpc training: [[https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at/vsc-public/training/python4hpc|python4hpc public repo]]. 
 +The old approach is now //deprecated// but kept on this page for reference. 
 +===== Quickstart: Using Python with Conda ===== 
 +To install a new environment, start with creating an **environment yaml file** and store it in a safe location (ideally in your source code repository).  
 +This step is optional but we really **recommend** it so you and everyone in your team is able to produce the same python environment. 
 +To find valid conda package names look at [[https://anaconda.org/search|Anaconda repo package search]]. 
 +Example (add your own packages below dependencies): 
 +name: my-env 
 +  - conda-forge 
 +  - defaults 
 +  - python=3.10 
 +  - tensorflow=2.15.0 
 +You can the install your environment by using the following commands: 
 +# load the miniconda package 
 +$ module load miniconda3 
 +# executes bash hooks for the tool to function 
 +# and enters the "base" environment 
 +$ eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" 
 +# create your environment via environment file 
 +# this will place the environment in your ~/.conda/envs folder 
 +# note: make sure to use "conda >env< create" - "conda create" is a different command 
 +(base) $ conda env create -n my-env --file my_env.yaml 
 +# after creation you can activate the environment to run code in it 
 +(base) $ conda activate my-env 
 +# test python version to make sure we have the right one 
 +(my-env) $ python --version 
 +Python 3.10.11 
 +You can now start developing and even use the environment in a slurm script 
 +#SBATCH --job-name=slurm_conda_example 
 +#SBATCH --time 00-00:05:00 
 +#SBATCH --ntasks=2 
 +#SBATCH --mem=2GB 
 +# modify SBATCH options according to needs 
 +# see "Setup Conda" above or consult "module avail miniconda3" to get the right package name 
 +module load miniconda3 
 +eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" 
 +conda activate myenv 
 +# print out some info of the python executable in use 
 +# this should point to the python version from "myenv" 
 +which python 
 +python --version 
 +==== More info about Conda ==== 
 +For more information about conda check-out the conda notebook of the python4HPC training material: [[https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at/vsc-public/training/python4hpc/-/blob/main/D1_02_env_03_conda.ipynb|python4HPC Conda Environments]] 
 +==== FAQ ==== 
 +  * **'''eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"''' fails with '''CommandNotFoundError ...'''** 
 +Make sure to use the currently provided '''miniconda3''' module via '''module load miniconda3''' 
 +  * **I dont get the right python version and packages** / **I see the error '''ModuleNotFoundError: No module named "conda"''' in my slurm job logfile** - **What is wrong>?** 
 +The default for sbatch is to use the current user environment and start the job in the context of this environment. Since conda is depending on environment variables being setup correctly you need to make sure to start the job script from a clean environment.  
 +Alternatively you can also use sbatch with the '''--export=NONE''' argument from commandline or add an sbatch directive in your job script: "#SBATCH --export=NONE" 
 +====== Deprecated Information (work in progress) ======
 ===== Python Installations ===== ===== Python Installations =====
Line 36: Line 125:
 ==== Setup Conda ==== ==== Setup Conda ====
-To load ''conda'' on our clusters search for the ''miniconda3'' package. At the time of writing the ''miniconda3'' package is available on both VSC-4 & VSC-5 and can be loaded via +To use the ''conda'' tool on our clusters search for the ''miniconda3'' package. At the time of writing the ''miniconda3'' package is available in all environments on both VSC-4 & VSC-5 and can be loaded with 
 <code bash> <code bash>
-# VSC-4 +module load miniconda3
-module load miniconda3/4.12.0-gcc-12.2.0-pad7sa7 +
- +
-# VSC-5 +
-module load miniconda3/4.12.0-gcc-11.2.0-ap65vga+
 </code> </code>
 If you plan to use conda more frequently you can simple add the load statement to your ''~/.bashrc'' file to have it loaded automatically after logging in. If you plan to use conda more frequently you can simple add the load statement to your ''~/.bashrc'' file to have it loaded automatically after logging in.
-=== Optional: execute conda hooks on login ===+=== Optional: execute conda runtime hooks on login ===
-If you want to have every conda function available directly after logging in you can execute the following statements to add the conda startup code to your ''~/.bashrc'' file as well.+To fully utilize the conda command it needs to load runtime hooks. If you want to have conda completely initialized directly after logging in you can execute the following statements to add the conda startup code to your ''~/.bashrc'' file as well.
 <code bash> <code bash>
-conda init bash --dry-run --verbose | grep "# >>> conda initialize" -A 100 | grep "# <<< conda initialize" -B 100 | sed 's/+//g' > ~/.bashrc+conda init bash --dry-run --verbose | grep "# >>> conda initialize" -A 100 | grep "# <<< conda initialize" -B 100 | sed 's/+//g' >> ~/.bashrc
 source ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
 </code> </code>
Line 140: Line 225:
 >>> import phono3py >>> import phono3py
 >>> exit() >>> exit()
 +=== Pytorch ===
 +To install the latest pytorch with conda please follow the instructions on this page:
 +[[https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/|Latest Pytorch installation]]
 +For older and specific combinations of pytorch and cuda please have a look at this page:
 +[[https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/#v182-with-lts-support|Previous Pytorch versions]]
 +Eg.: to install v1.13.1 with cuda 11.6 use:
 +conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
 +As of 2023-08-25: you can also install the current pytorch version with an older cuda version via:
 +conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
 </code> </code>
  • doku/python.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/18 11:14
  • by katrin