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doku:seriell2par [2017/09/01 10:31] – [Open Multi-Processing (Open MP)] irdoku:seriell2par [2017/09/01 10:36] – [Further information and training] ir
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 ===== Further information and training ===== ===== Further information and training =====
-For further information and training please contact the [[http://typo3.vsc.ac.at/research/vsc-research-center/vsc-school-seminar/|VSC Website]] +For further information and training please contact the [[http://typo3.vsc.ac.at/research/vsc-research-center/vsc-school-seminar/|VSC Website]] ! Continuously, the VSC-Team organises courses on beginners and intermediate Level in the field of high performance computing. If you have specialised questions concerning your code that cannot be tackled in one of these courses, you can directly contact our team in order to individually solve your question.
  • doku/seriell2par.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/22 09:24
  • by grokyta