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doku:slurm [2023/03/14 12:34] – [The job submission script] goldenbergdoku:slurm [2023/03/14 12:34] – [Job submission] goldenberg
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 <code> <code>
-[username@l31 ~]$ sbatch check.slrm    # to submit the job              +[username@l42 ~]$ sbatch check.slrm    # to submit the job              
-[username@l31 ~]$ squeue -u `whoami`   # to check the status  of own jobs +[username@l42 ~]$ squeue -u `whoami`   # to check the status  of own jobs 
-[username@l31 ~]$ scancel  JOBID       # for premature removal, where JOBID+[username@l42 ~]$ scancel  JOBID       # for premature removal, where JOBID
                                        # is obtained from the previous command                                           # is obtained from the previous command   
 </code> </code>
  • doku/slurm.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/11 09:05
  • by grokyta