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doku:tight_integration [2014/08/12 12:36] irdoku:tight_integration [2021/05/13 17:48] (current) – removed goldenberg
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-===== Tight integration ===== 
-Some MPI implementations have a tight integration to SGE.  
-In this case, providing a machinefile could/will be ignored by mpirun.  
-For disabling this behaviour one can  
-  * unset the variable PE_HOSTFILE within the job script with: 
-  * recompile the MPI libraries with disabled tight integration support 
-  * use the mpirun command with following options, '-machinefile' option has to be omitted: 
-    mpirun -npernode <number_of_processes_on_one_node> -np <number_of_total_processes> <command> 
-  * impi_intel- 
-  * impi_intel- 
-  * impi_intel- 
-  * impi_intel- 
-  * impi_intel- 
-  * intel_mpi_intel64- 
-  * mvapich2_1.8_intel_limic 
-  * mvapich2_gcc-1.9a2 
-  * mvapich2_intel 
-  * mvapich2_intel-1.9 
-  * mvapich2_intel-1.9a2 
-  * openmpi-1.5.4_gcc 
-  * openmpi-1.5.4_intel 
-  * openmpi-1.5.4_open64 
-  * openmpi-1.6.5_pgi 
-  * openmpi-1.6_gcc_blcr 
-  * openmpi-1.6_intel_blcr 
-  * openmpi-1.7.3_gcc 
-  * openmpi-1.7.3_intel 
-  * openmpi-1.8.1_intel 
-  * openmpi-1.8_intel 
-  * openmpi_gcc-1.6.4