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doku:vasp-vsc2 [2014/10/02 13:48] – [VASP + ELPA] irdoku:vasp-vsc2 [2014/10/02 14:18] – [VASP + ELPA] ir
Line 13: Line 13:
 An optimized executable, which scales very nicely on VSC-2 (scaLAPACK has been replaced with  [[http://elpa.rzg.mpg.de/software|ELPA]] (Eigenvalue soLvers for Petaflop Applications)), is accessible for VASP users in /opt/sw/vasp.  An optimized executable, which scales very nicely on VSC-2 (scaLAPACK has been replaced with  [[http://elpa.rzg.mpg.de/software|ELPA]] (Eigenvalue soLvers for Petaflop Applications)), is accessible for VASP users in /opt/sw/vasp. 
-Please   +Please send an email to {{:doku:contact_vsc-red_margin.png?130|}} in order 
-**[[doku:contact|contact system administration]]**+
  to be added to the corresponding user group.  to be added to the corresponding user group.
-sdfjlk {{:doku:contact_vsc-red_scaled.png?200|}} sdafjkl+{{:doku:contact_vsc-red_margin.png?130|12}}  
-asf {{:doku:contact_vsc-red_crop_scaled.png?200|}} sdf  
Line 39: Line 38:
   make appropriate reference to that as well, once it appears.   make appropriate reference to that as well, once it appears.
 </code> </code>
 ==== Compiling ==== ==== Compiling ====
 With the above mpi-selector setting you should set the following PATHS to libraries in your makefile With the above mpi-selector setting you should set the following PATHS to libraries in your makefile