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pandoc:linux-wochen-wien:linux-101:linux-101 [2018/01/31 11:11] – Pandoc Auto-commit pandocpandoc:linux-wochen-wien:linux-101:linux-101 [2018/01/31 13:17] – Pandoc Auto-commit pandoc
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 +====== History ======
 +==== Unix — Linux’ predecessor ====
 +> Unix is from the ’70s:
 +  * terminals are monochrome
 +  * computers are big and expensive
 +  * many people use the same computer
 +  * networking becomes important
 +> Unix is free to modify:
 +  * universities and companies have modified unix
 +  * released as BSD/Solaris/HP-UX/IRIX
 +  * fertile environment
 +  * rise of similar, non-collaborating features
 +> Unix becomes the GCD of computing.
 +==== Hacker culture ====
 +> Freedom at stake:
 +  * the way of sharing programs is changing
 +  * best case: bsd-style license
 +  * usually: corporate licenses
 +    * exclude freedom of sharing code with anyone
 +> Sharing is caring:
 +  * write code
 +  * give away/sell product
 +    * include **sourcecode**
 +    * include the freedom/restriction to do share code under the same license
 +> People want to save their idea of moral responsibility by formalising it as a licenses
 +==== GNU ====
 +> In 1984 RMS starts the **GNU** project, with the goal to provide a **free Unix**-compatible OS
 +> Steps to success:
 +  * Write a license (GPL)
 +    * respect the freedom of the users
 +    * endorse ‘sharing is caring’
 +    * make the license transitive
 +  * Write an Editor (emacs)
 +  * Write a Compiler (gcc)
 +  * Write common utilities (coreutils)
 +  * Write everything else
 +  * Write a kernel (hurd)
 +  * Rewrite the kernel (hurd)
 +  * One more time (hurd)
 +> Even though this project gets mocked for hurd, it is essential for Linux’ success!
 +==== Linux ====
 +> In 1992 Linus Torvalds writes his own little **terminal emulator**, to be able to remotely access his university account.
 +> Later this code evolves into the **Linux kernel**, that together with many **GNU utilities** becomes **GNU/Linux** — a.k.a Linux
 +^Segment            ^             Linux variant              Market share ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems#Market_share_by_category|Source]])^
 +|Desktop            |      Debian / Fedora / Arch / …                                                                                                                      ~2%|
 +|Smartphone / Tablet|                Android                |                                                                                                               ~70%|
 +|Server              Debian / RHEL / Gentoo / … / CUSTOM  |                                                                                                               ~65%|
 +|**Supercomputer**  |          **CentOS** / CUSTOM          |                                                                                                               ~99%|
 +|Mainframe          |              RHEL / SLES              |                                                                                                               ~30%|
 +|Embedded                        Android / …              |                                                                                                               ~30%|
 +==== Linux on Supercomputers ====
 +====== Prerequisites ======
 +==== Assumptions ====
 +> You are familiar with either:
 +  * **computers** in general
 +  * **Windows**
 +  * **macOS**
 +> When something breaks, you:
 +  * ask for **assistance** //or//
 +  * **read** up on the subject and **fix it** //and//
 +  * **don’t** go on **using** it until it’s completly **dead**
 +==== What do you know about Linux? ====
 +> by a show of hands:
 +  * Nothing
 +  * I know my way around when it comes to:
 +    * files and directories
 +    * the shell basics
 +    * most core utilities
 +    * variables
 +    * scripts
 +    * streams
 +  * All of the above and I want to take over
 +====== Filesystems ======
 +==== Filesystem 101 ====
 +  - Everything starts at the root
 +    * the root is a directory
 +    * ''%%/%%'' denotes the root directory
 +  - the filesystem has different kinds of objects
 +    - files
 +    - directories
 +      * containers for multiple objects
 +    - links to objects, which either
 +      * add a second name for the same object
 +      * point to a position in the filesystem
 +  - objects can be referenced by their path
 +    * absolute: ''%%/dir1/dir2/object%%''
 +    * relative: ''%%dir2/object%%''
 +  - special objects in directories:
 +    * ''%%.%%'' — is a reference to the directory itself
 +    * ''%%..%%'' — is a reference to the parent directory
 +  - the system may consist of multiple filesystems
 +    * filesystems may be mounted at any (empty) directory
 +==== The Filesystem represented as an ADT ====
 +> These are the helper types:
 +type Name     = String
 +type Children = [FSObject]
 +type Path     = [FSObject]
 +data LinkType = Soft | Hard
 +> This is the code describing a trivial Linux-ish filesystem in a mathematical notation:
 +data FSObject = File Name
 +              | Dir  Name Children
 +              | Link Name Path LinkType
 +> Missing:
 +  * Special files
 +    * device
 +    * fifo pipe
 +    * socket
 +  * Attributes
 +  * Advanced FS features
 +    * data integrity
 +    * device managment
 +    * subvolume support
 +==== FHS intro ====
 +==== FHS ====
 +> The **Filesystem Hierarchy Standard** is a guideline for the structuring of local filesystems.
 +It aims for better **interoperability** between different Systems, by making it easy to figure out the **location** of any **kind of file**.
 +^Directory  ^Purpose                                                              ^
 +|**/**      |root of the hierarchy                                                |
 +|**/bin/**  |basic binary files                                                   |
 +|**/boot/** |files for boot support                                               |
 +|**/dev/**  |virtual files, for direct access to devices                          |
 +|**/etc/**  |system-wide confidurations - historical, misleading name             |
 +|**/home/** |users’ home direcories are located here                              |
 +|**/lib/**  |library files for ''%%/bin/%%'' ''%%/sbin%%''                        |
 +|**/media/**|removable media mounts                                               |
 +|**/mnt/**  |temporary mounts                                                     |
 +|**/opt/**  |optional applications                                                |
 +|**/proc/** |system-internals accessable as files                                 |
 +|**/root/** |home directory of root                                               |
 +|**/run/**  |variable data should be removed while booting                        |
 +|**/sbin/** |like ''%%/bin/%%'', but require special permissions                  |
 +|**/srv/**  |data served to other systems                                         |
 +|**/sys/**  |statistics about devices                                             |
 +|**/tmp/**  |temporary files, can be removed while booting                        |
 +|**/usr/**  |most higher level applications are inside, looks a lot like ''%%/%%''|
 +|**/var/**  |files that change often (cache/db/log/mail/…)                        |
 +==== Corner cases of FHS ====
 +> Some systems don’t comply with the FHS, for various reasons.
 +=== VSC3 ===
 +  * As the OS is basically a CentOS, the ''%%/lib/%%'' and ''%%/lib64/%%'' are just symlinks
 +=== Distributions bringing new ideas to the table ===
 +> [[http://gobolinux.org/|GoboLinux]]:
 +  * installed software packages get their own directory
 +  * filesystem itself is a package store
 +> [[http://nixos.org/|NixOS]]:
 +  * solves the problem of user installable packages
 +  * dependency management extended in a way, that aims to make trust a non-issue
 +====== Shell ======
 +==== Login ====
 +> The default login screen on most distributions looks something like this:
 +<<< Welcome to ${DISTRO} - tty{1..6} >>>
 +${MACHINE_NAME} login:
 +<blank while typing>
 +<div class="incremental">
 +<hr style="clear: both;">
 +> remote login looks similar:
 +<code bash>
 +$ ssh username@remote
 +<hr style="clear: both;">
 +{{:pandoc:linux-wochen-wien:linux-101:linux-101:tango_locked.svg?0x100}} {{:pandoc:linux-wochen-wien:linux-101:linux-101:tango_unlocked.svg?0x100}}
 +> If the login was not successful, just try again.
 +> Beware, that systems may be configured to lock your account if too many attempts were made.
 +==== Prompt ====
 +> This is how the prompt looks by default:
 +<code bash>
 +[myname@l3_ ~]$ 
 +  * tells you:
 +    * who you are
 +    * which computer you’re on
 +    * which directory you’re in
 +  * can be configured
 +    * variable ''%%$PS1%%''
 +    * default: ''%%echo $PS1%%''
 +> Ways to get help when you’re stuck:
 +  * ''%%man%%''
 +    * manual for specified topic
 +    * find man-pages: ''%%apropos%%''
 +  * ''%%whatis%%''
 +  * ''%%info%%''
 +  * most commands support a ''%%-h%%''/''%%--help%%'' flag
 +  * colleagues are often helpful
 +  * the internet is often helpful
 +==== Execution ====
 +To execute a program, we call it:
 +<code python>
 +nano file.txt
 +./a.out -flag=value
 +gcc -I/home/lv12345/myuser/include
 +module load non-existent-module
 +  * Every command that is executed will provide a return-value on exit.
 +    * {{:pandoc:linux-wochen-wien:linux-101:linux-101:tango_ok.png?0x30}} A value of ''%%0%%'' means success
 +    * {{:pandoc:linux-wochen-wien:linux-101:linux-101:tango_cancel.png?0x30}} any other value means failure
 +=== Program Arguments ===
 +> The default way to apply arguments to a program is to write a space separated list of arguments after the program when calling it.
 +> Patterns and expansions are defining multiple arguments with little overhead:
 +  * the most important patterns are:
 +    * **?** — matches one character
 +    * ***** — matches any character sequence
 +  * the most important expansions are:
 +    * **A{1,9}Z** — expands to A1Z A9Z
 +    * **A{1..9}Z** — expands to A1Z A2Z … A9Z
 +==== Control Flow ====
 +=== Chaining Commands ===
 +<code bash>
 +false ;  echo "Should I be Printed?"
 +false && echo "Should I be Printed?"
 +false || echo "Should I be Printed?"
 +<code bash>
 +Should I be Printed?
 +Should I be Printed?
 +=== Loops ===
 +<code bash>
 +for i in *
 +  mv $i{,.bak}
 +<code bash>
 +while true
 +  echo "Annoying Hello World"
 +  sleep 3
 +> Or as one-liners:
 +<code bash>
 +for i in *; do mv $i{,.bak}; done
 +while true; do echo "Annoying Hello World"; sleep 3; done
 +==== Aliases ====
 +Whenever you have a command, which you:
 +  - run often and it
 +    * has a long list of parameters you always use
 +    * is dangerous
 +  - which is an aggregate of many other commands
 +    * but you don’t want to write a script
 +you can define an alias for it:
 +<code bash>
 +alias ll='ls -alh'
 +alias myProject='cd $ProjectDir; testSuite; compile && testSuite; cd -'
 +==== History ====
 +> Your shell keeps a log of all the commands you executed.
 +  * the ''%%history%%'' command is used to access this history
 +  * for fast reuse of commands try the ''%%<CTRL>-R%%'' keys
 +==== Streams ====
 +=== Redirects ===
 +> Write **output** to a **file** or **file-descriptor**
 +^Command^Redirect          ^Append             ^Description                              ^
 +|program|''%%>  std.log%%''|''%%>>  std.log%%''|redirect ''%%stdout%%'' to a file        |
 +|program|''%%2> err.log%%''|''%%2>> err.log%%''|redirect ''%%stderr%%'' to a file        |
 +|program|''%%2>&1%%''      |                   |redirect ''%%stderr%%'' to ''%%stdout%%''|
 +=== Pipes ===
 +> Write **output** into the **input**-stream of another process
 +^Command^Pipe                     ^Description                          ^
 +|program|''%%| grep -i foo%%''    |pipe ''%%stdout%%'' into ''%%grep%%''|
 +|program|''%%| tee file1 file2%%''|overwrite files and ''%%stdout%%''   |
 +|program|''%%| tee -a file%%''    |append to files and ''%%stdout%%''   |
 +====== Environment Variables ======
 +==== Setting, getting and unsetting ====
 +=== Set ===
 +<code python>
 +LANG=de_AT.UTF-8 firefox
 +env LANG=de_AT.UTF-8 firefox
 +<code python>
 +export LANG=de_AT.UTF-8
 +=== Get ===
 +<code python>
 +echo ${LANG}
 +=== Unset ===
 +<code python>
 +unset LANG
 +env -u LANG
 +==== Use cases ====
 +> Some variables that could affect you are:
 +<code python>
 +$EDITOR            # the default editor for the CLI
 +$PAGER             # utility to read long streams
 +$PATH              # program paths, in priority order
 +> if you’re aiming for programming, these could be more interresting:
 +<code python>
 +$LIBRARY_PATH      # libraries to link by the compiler
 +$LD_LIBRARY_PATH   # libraries to link at runtime
 +$CC                # sometimes used to set default C compiler
 +$CFLAGS            # default flags for compiling C
 +====== Core Utilities ======
 +==== Looking around ====
 +> **looking around** is done by the **''%%ls%%''** (list) command
 +$ ls      # shows files and directories
 +$ ls -a   # includes hidden ones
 +$ ls -l   # detailed view
 +testdir  test
 +.  ..  testdir  test
 +drwxr-xr-x 1 myuser p12345 0 Apr 13 11:55 testdir
 +-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser p12345 4 Apr 13 11:55 test
 +^command                                                result^
 +|**''%%ls /%%''**      |  ''%%bin  dev  etc  home  sbin  usr%%''|
 +|**''%%ls /home%%''**  |                    ''%%user1  user2%%''|
 +==== Moving around ====
 +> **moving around** is done by the **''%%cd%%''** (change directory) command
 +> **finding** the current **position** in the filesystem is done by the **''%%pwd%%''** (print working directory) command
 +$ cd /bin   # go to an absolute directory
 +$ cd [~]    # go home
 +$ cd -      # go to previous directory
 +$ pwd   # /bin
 +$ pwd   # /home/user1
 +$ pwd   # /bin
 +==== Copying & moving files around ====
 +> **moving files around** is done by the **''%%mv%%''** (move) command
 +> **copying** is done by the **''%%cp%%''** (copy) command
 +$ mv old   new     # rename old to new
 +$ mv old   dir/    # move old into dir
 +$ mv file1 file2   # overwrite file2 with file1
 +                   # (BEWARE)
 +$ cp -i input input.bak   # input to input.bak
 +$ cp -i input backup/     # input into backup
 +$ cp -a dir1/ dir2        # exact copy of dir1
 +{{:pandoc:linux-wochen-wien:linux-101:linux-101:screenshot_mv.png?0x350}} {{:pandoc:linux-wochen-wien:linux-101:linux-101:screenshot_cp.png?0x350}}
 +==== Finding stuff ====
 +> To look at everything
 +  - in your home directory
 +  - and nested up to three levels deep inside it
 +  - that ends in ''%%.txt%%''
 +  - or starts with ''%%log_%%''
 +  - and is an ordinary file
 +  - concatenated as one stream:
 +<code bash>
 +find \
 +  ~ \
 +  -maxdepth 3 \
 +  -iname "*.txt" \
 +  -or -iname "log_*" \
 +  -type f \
 +  -exec cat '{}' \; | less
 +<code bash>
 +find \
 +  ~ \
 +  -maxdepth 3 \
 +  -iname "*.txt" \
 +  -or -iname "log_*" \
 +  -type f \
 +  -exec cat '{}' +  | less
 +==== Creating and deleting ====
 +=== directories ===
 +> **creating directories** is done by the **''%%mkdir%%''** (make directory) command:
 +> **deleting directories** is done by the **''%%rmdir%%''** (remove directory) command:
 +<code bash>
 +$ mkdir newdir       # create directory newdir
 +$ mkdir -p new/dir   # create dir inside of new
 +$ rmdir emptydir      # removes emptydir
 +$ rmdir -v emptydir   # removes emptydir (verbose)
 +=== files ===
 +> **creating files** is done by the **''%%touch%%''** or **''%%echo%%''** commands:
 +> **deleting files** is done by the **''%%rm%%''** (remove) command:
 +<code bash>
 +$ touch file          # create empty file
 +$ echo "abc" > file   # create/overwrite file
 +$ rm file      # removes file
 +$ rm -ri dir   # removes dir recursively
 +==== Contents of files ====
 +> **viewing** is done by the **''%%less%%''** command:
 +> **concatenating** is done by the **''%%cat%%''** command:
 +$ less file.txt      # exit with 'q'
 +$ less -R file.txt   # keep colors
 +$ cat file1 file2 | less
 +$ cat file
 +$ cat -A printable
 +$ cat -n numbered
 +$ echo "VSC is great" > file
 +$ cat file
 +VSC is great
 +$ echo "VSC is awesome" >> file
 +$ cat file
 +VSC is great
 +VSC is awesome
 +$ cat file | grep awesome
 +VSC is awesome
 +$ grep awesome file
 +VSC is awesome
 +==== Space accounting ====
 +> viewing **used space** is done by the **''%%du%%''** (disk usage) command:
 +> viewing **free space** is done by the **''%%df%%''** (disk free) command:
 +$ du -h file1 file2   # human readable output
 +$ du -s dir           # summarize
 +$ df -h       # human readable output
 +$ df -t nfs   # only list filesystems of a type
 +==== Recap ====
 +$ mv space.log space.log.bak
 +$ df -h | grep "lv12345\|lv54321" > space.log
 +$ cat space.log
 +nfs05.ib.cluster:/e/lv12345    200G  185G   16G  93% /home/lv12345
 +nfs04.ib.cluster:/e/lv54321   1000G  979G   22G  98% /home/lv54321
 +> we do this often, let’s wrap it up!
 +==== Recap++ ====
 +$ mv space.log space.log.bak
 +$ df -h | grep "lv12345\|lv54321" > space.log
 +$ cat space.log
 +nfs05.ib.cluster:/e/lv12345    200G  185G   16G  93% /home/lv12345
 +nfs04.ib.cluster:/e/lv54321   1000G  979G   22G  98% /home/lv54321
 +> we do this often, let’s wrap it up!
 +$ echo '#!/bin/bash' > spacelog.sh
 +$ echo 'mv space.log space.log.bak' >> spacelog.sh
 +$ echo 'df -h | grep "lv12345\|lv54321" > space.log' >> spacelog.sh
 +$ echo 'cat space.log' >> spacelog.sh
 +$ chmod +x spacelog.sh
 +$ ./spacelog.sh
 +==== Sed and awk ====
 +> **sed** (stream editor) and **awk** are powerful tools when working with the command line
 +$ mycommand | sed "..."
 +$ mycommand | awk '{...}'
 +> Using sed and awk in action
 +^program  ^             command              ^description                                                                ^
 +|sed      |        ''%%s/old/new/%%''        |replace ''%%old%%'' with ''%%new%%''                                       |
 +|sed      |  ''%%/from/,/to/ s/old/new/%%''  |replace ''%%old%%'' with ''%%new%%'', between ''%%from%%'' and ''%%to%%''  |
 +|awk      |      ''%%'print $5, $3'%%''      |print columns 5 and 3 of every line                                        |
 +Example script:
 +<code bash>
 +mv space.log space.log.bak
 +df -h | grep "lv12345\|lv54321" > space.log
 +cat space.log
 +<code bash>
 +mv space.log space.log.bak
 +df -h | grep "lv12345\|lv54321" > space.log
 +cat space.log | sed "s|/home/lv12345|ProjectA|" \
 +              | awk '{print $6, "free:", $4}' \
 +              | column -t
 +====== Scripting ======
 +==== Ownership and Permissions ====
 +> Just to ensure, that you are able to run your scripts
 +=== chown ===
 +> Change the owner of files and directories by:
 +<code bash>
 +chown -R user:group dirs files
 +=== chmod ===
 +> Change the mode of files and directories by:
 +<code bash>
 +chmod -R u=rw,g+w,o-rwx dirs files
 +chmod -R 644            dirs files
 +==== Shebang ====
 +A little test program, which we mark as executable and hand it over to the corresponding interpreter:
 +<code bash>
 +cat << EOF > test.sh
 +echo "${LANG}"
 +echo "${PATH}"
 +<code bash>
 +chmod +x test.sh
 +<code bash>
 +bash test.sh
 +> Don’t we have an OS, capable of executing everything it recognises as a executable?
 +> Yes, we do!
 +<code bash>
 +cat << EOF > test.sh
 +echo "${LANG}"
 +echo "${PATH}"
 +<code bash>
 +chmod +x test.sh
 +<code bash>
 +==== Functions (more like Procedures) ====
 +Programming in bash would be cumbersome without functions, so here we go:
 +<code bash>
 +printAllNumbers () {
 +echo "1 2 3"
 +echo "done"
 +=== Arguments ===
 +> This isn’t good, as were only getting a fixed amount of numbers. let’s try a recursive approach
 +<code bash>
 +printAllNumbersFrom () {
 +echo "${num}"
 +printAllNumbersFrom "$(($num + 1))"
 +printAllNumbersFrom $2
 +====== Editors ======
 +==== General ====
 +  * Many different editors
 +    * Unique (dis-)advantages
 +    * Different look and feel
 +  * Editors should provide us with
 +    - Simple text editing
 +    - Copy and paste
 +    - Search and replace
 +    - Saving changes
 +    - Wide availability
 +=== Two editors that satisfy our needs: ===
 +  * nano
 +  * vim
 +=== Common starting point ===
 +<code bash>
 +nano filename
 +<code bash>
 +vim filename
 +==== Nano ====
 +==== Nano explained ====
 +> This editor is focused on being easy to use, but still providing every feature a user might need.
 +=== Interface ===
 +> The interface consists of four parts, namely from top to bottom:
 +  * Title bar
 +  * Text area
 +  * Command line
 +  * Key bindings
 +=== Usage ===
 +> Nothing special, key-bindings visible while editing
 +^Feature                       Usage                 ^
 +|Navigation    |              Arrow keys               |
 +|Actual editing|         Typing text, as usual         |
 +|Cut/Paste line|  ''%%<CTRL>%%''+k / ''%%<CTRL>%%''+u  |
 +|…                explained in key bindings field    |
 +=== Short ===
 +> Use this editor if you are new to the command line.\\
 +> It is straight forward, but can be extended on the way.
 +  * Auto-indentation
 +  * Syntax highlighting
 +  * Multi-buffer
 +==== Vi(m) ====
 +==== Vi(m) explained ====
 +> This editor is focused on productivity and efficiency, providing everything a user might need.
 +=== Interface ===
 +> The simple interface consists of two parts:
 +  * Text area
 +  * Command line
 +> Since this editor is very easy to extend, after setting up a few plugins, it will probably look quite different!
 +=== Usage ===
 +> This is a multimode editor, you’ll have to switch modes whenever you change what you want to do.
 +^Feature                      Usage                    ^
 +|Navigation|              hjkl / Arrow keys              |
 +|Writing    change to input mode, then write as usual  |
 +|Commands  |     exit current mode, press ''%%:%%''      |
 +|…                   explained on next slide           |
 +=== Short ===
 +> Use this editor if you like a challenge.\\
 +> It is fast and very nice — but you’ll sometimes get hurt on the way.
 +  * Auto-indentation, Syntax highlighting, Multi-buffer – just like nano
 +  * File/Project Management
 +  * Use a plugin manager
 +==== Vi(m) modes and keys ====
 +  * any mode:
 +    * back to the **default mode**: **''%%<ESC>%%''**
 +  * command mode (followed by ''%%<RETURN>%%''):
 +    * **save** current file: **''%%w [filename]%%''**
 +    * **quit** the editor
 +      * after saving: **''%%q%%''**
 +      * without confirmation: **''%%q!%%''**
 +    * **help**: **''%%h [topic]%%''**, e.g. **''%%h tutorial%%''**
 +    * **search and replace**: **''%%%s/old/new/gc%%''**
 +  * //default mode//:
 +    * enter **input mode**: **''%%i%%''**
 +    * enter **command mode**: **''%%:%%''** //(colon)//
 +    * **mark**
 +      * **character**-wise: **''%%v%%''**
 +      * **line**-wise: **''%%<SHIFT>-v%%''**
 +    * **delete**
 +      * **character**-wise: **''%%x%%''**
 +      * **line**-wise: **''%%dd%%''**
 +      * **marked content**: **''%%d%%''**
 +    * **search**: **''%%/abc%%''**
 +====== QED ======
 +==== Fin ====
 +  * Questions?
 +  * Need help installing Linux?
 +  * Contact: <Email>
 +> Public domain:
 +- [Ubuntu Tango Icons](https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Wiki/Icons/Tango/)
 +> Mixed (CC, public domain, ...)
 +- [Wikipedia Tango Icons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tango_icons)
 +# Timers
 +## Systemd Units
 +## Systemd Timers
 +## Putting it together
 +## Background
 +### What is GNU/Linux {.incremental}
 +![](pictures/gnu.svg){height=200px style="float: left;" .incremental}
 +<div class="columns">
 +> - It's a collection of Software, including:
 +>     - **Linux** itself, as the `kernel`
 +>     - basic tools, mostly from the **GNU** project
 +>     - additional, specialised software for most tasks
 +> - the **OS** that powers the internet, the mobile world and more
 +> - **opensource** and **free software** effort to retain essential freedoms of the user
 +### Reasons for Linux {.incremental}
 +![](pictures/tux.svg){height=200px style="float: right;".incremental}
 +<div class="columns">
 +> - Wide Adoption
 +> - Stable platform
 +> - Anyone can try and use Linux
 +> - Easy adaption to custom environments
 +### Basic Usage {.incremental}
 +![](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Utilities-terminal.svg){height=200px style="float: left;" .incremental}
 +<div class="columns">
 +> - using and understanding the shell
 +> - moving through the directory structure
 +> - moving files and directories
 +> - editing files
 +> - writing and executing scripts
 +> - environment and variables
 +## CLI Basics
 +<div class="columns">
 +### Shell
 +> The shell used on the VSC is called **bash**. It's the most common shell today, preinstalled by most Linux and macOS versions.
 +> - It's behaviour is controlled by the file **.bashrc**
 +>     - loaded at login
 +>     - can be customized
 +>     - is a shell script
 +> - Has some usability features
 +>     - most of the time commands can be auto-completed by pressing `TAB`
 +>     - can recall history with `CTRL-R` or `history`
 +> - Provides a full programming language/environment
 +>     - can do native processing of Strings, Integers and Arrays
 +>     - can execute any program
 +>     - is turing-complete, but not considered a general-purpose language
 +### Environment
 +> The shell and some default tools are configured through **variables**.
 +> - list variables with `env`
 +> - modify them with `export X=Y`
 +> - get the content by prepending it with a dollar sign `$A`
 +> - useful in scripts
 +<div class="incremental">
 +Some variables that could affect you are:
 +$EDITOR # the default editor for the CLI
 +$PAGER  # utility to read long streams
 +$PATH   # program paths, in priority order
 +## Executing Commands
 +<div class="columns">
 +<div class="incremental">
 +To execute a program, we call it:
 +nano file.txt
 +./a.out -flag=value
 +gcc -I/home/lv12345/myuser/include
 +module load non-existent-module
 +> - Every command that is executed will provide a return-value on exit.
 +>     - ![](https://media-cdn.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/attachments/21/07/dialog-ok.png){height=30px} A value of `0` means success 
 +>     - ![](https://media-cdn.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/attachments/39/07/dialog-cancel.png){height=30px} any other value means failure 
 +### Program Arguments {.incremental}
 +<div class="incremental">
 +> The default way to apply arguments to a program is to write a space separated list of arguments after the program when calling it.
 +> Patterns and expansions are defining multiple arguments with little overhead:
 +<div class="columns">
 +> - the most important patterns are:
 +>     - **?** --- matches one character
 +>     - **\*** --- matches any character sequence
 +> - the most important expansions are:
 +>     - **A{1,2}Z**  --- expands to A1Z A2Z
 +>     - **1{a..z}A**     --- expands to 1aA 1bA ... 1zA
 +### Chaining Commands {.incremental}
 +<div class="columns incremental">
 +``` {.bash .numberLines}
 +false ;  echo "Should I be Printed?"
 +false && echo "Should I be Printed?"
 +false || echo "Should I be Printed?"
 +``` {.bash .numberLines}
 +Should I be Printed?
 +Should I be Printed?
 +- - -
 +### Using Patterns and Expansions {.incremental}
 +<div class="columns">
 +> - the most important patterns are:
 +>     - **?** --- matches one character
 +>     - **\*** --- matches any character sequence
 +> - the most important expansions are:
 +>     - **A{1,2}Z**  --- expands to A1Z A2Z
 +>     - **1{a..z}A**     --- expands to 1aA 1bA ... 1zA
 +## Loops
 +> look like this in a shell:
 +<div class="columns incremental">
 +for i in *
 +  mv $i{,.bak}
 +while true
 +  echo "Annoying Hello World"
 +  sleep 3
 +#### Generating parameters in bash {.incremental}
 +<div class="columns incremental">
 +while [ $i -lt 10 ]
 +  j=1
 +  while [ $j -le $i ]
 +  do
 +    echo "$i $j" # Your command comes here
 +    let j+=1
 +  done
 +  let i+=1
 +unset i j
 +1 1
 +2 1
 +2 2
 +3 1
 +3 2
 +3 3
 +9 6
 +9 7
 +9 8
 +9 9
 +## Getting familiar with the CLI
 +<div class="columns">
 +> This is how the prompt looks by default:
 +``` {.bash}
 +[myname@l3_ ~]$ 
 +![](src/Screenshot_vsc3_login.png){height=190px .incremental}
 +![](src/Screenshot_vsc3_login_prompt.png){height=190px .incremental}
 +![](src/Screenshot_vsc3_login_prompt2.png){height=190px .incremental}
 +<div style="float: left">
 +#### Prompt {.incremental}
 +> - it's "promting" you to enter a command
 +> - tells you:
 +>     - who you are
 +>     - which computer you're on
 +>     - which directory you're in
 +> - can be configured to show more information
 +>     - setting is in a variable called `PS1`
 +>     - default value of `$PS1`: `[\u@\h \w]\$`
 +>     - can add date, time and the output of custom commands
 +> - see `man bash` for details about your shell
 +<div style="float: right" class="incremental">
 +#### In case of confusion
 +> there are many ways of getting further:
 +> - the `man` command
 +>     - opens the manual for a specified topic
 +>     - especially nice to find man-pages: `apropos`
 +> - the `whatis` command
 +> - the `info` command
 +>     - is more complex and more like a browser
 +> - most commands support a `-h`/`--help` flag
 +> - colleagues are often helpful
 +> - the internet is often helpful
 +<div style="float: left" class="incremental">
 +![`apropos help`](src/Screenshot_vsc3_apropos.png){width=270px .incremental}
 +## Shell - More than a prompt
 +### Simple Input/Output
 +<div class="columns incremental">
 +Any program running in the shell can by default read from the keyboard and write to the screen.
 +We try this with the `cat` command, which is short for concatenate.
 +some text   # Input
 +some text   # Output    
 +### Piping Input/Output
 +<div class="columns incremental">
 +Since echoing input back to the user isn't particularly useful, we'll be echoing back filtered output.
 +We add a pipe, which redirects the output of the command before it to the command following it, and filter for any line containing `VSC`.
 +cat | grep VSC
 +1  2  3   # Input, no Output
 +1 VSC 3   # Input
 +1 VSC 3   # Output
 +### Redirecting Input/Output
 +<div class="columns incremental">
 +Now we can write the resulting stream into a file called VSC.txt.
 +This is done by adding a greater-sign between the end of the command and the filename of the resulting document.
 +cat | grep VSC > VSC.txt
 +1  2  3   # Will not be in VSC.txt
 +1 VSC 3   # Will be in VSC.txt
 +cat VSC.txt
 +1 VSC 3
 +## Cool Tools
 +### Less is More
 +<div class="columns">
 +Since piping output is awesome we want to have a program, that can handle all the output of the other programs and present it in screen-sized parts.
 +Hence the program `less`, which is just `more`.
 +find ~ -iname "*.txt" -type f -exec cat '{}' \; | less
 +### Permissions
 +<div class="columns">
 +If some file can't be accessed/modified, there is a chance that you haven't got the rights to do so.
 +For these cases there is the tool `chmod`, which changes the mode of a file.
 +chmod a=w file
 +chmod u+x file
 +chmod g-w file
 +chmod o=r file
 +### Aliasing commands
 +<div class="columns">
 +you should define an `alias`, whenever there is a command which:
 +- is run with parameters which don't change between runs
 +- has some hard to remember name
 +- needs a non-default safeguard 
 +alias f='find ~ -type f -iname'
 +alias rm='rm -i'
 +alias def-env='cd ~/projectA && \
 +               module purge && \
 +               module load x/1 y/2 z/3'
 +## Filesystem 101
 +<div class="columns">
 +> 1. Everything starts at the root
 +>     - the root is a directory
 +>     - `/` denotes the root directory
 +> 2. the filesystem has different kinds of objects
 +>     1. files
 +>     2. directories
 +>         - containers for multiple objects
 +>     3. links to objects, which either
 +>         - add a second name for the same object
 +>         - point to a position in the filesystem
 +> 3. objects can be referenced by their path
 +>     - absolute: `/dir1/dir2/object`
 +>     - relative: `dir2/object`
 +> 4. special objects in directories:
 +>     - `.` --- is a reference to the directory itself
 +>     - `..` --- is a reference to the parent directory
 +##### The Filesystem represented as an ADT {.incremental}
 +<div class="incremental columns">
 +> These are the helper types:
 +type Name     = String
 +type Children = [FSObject]
 +type Path     = [FSObject]
 +data LinkType = Soft | Hard
 +> This is the code describing the trivial Linux-ish filesystem in a mathematical notation:
 +data FSObject = File Name
 +              | Dir  Name Children
 +              | Link Name Path LinkType
 +- - -
 +### Getting and Manipulating our position in the FS
 +<div class="columns">
 +> - `'ls'`: short for `'list'`
 +> - `'tree'`: tree view of files and directories
 +> - `'pwd'`: short for `'print work directory'`
 +> - `'cd'`: short for `'change directory'`
 +<div class="incremental">
 +> Example for **looking around**:
 +<div class="columns incremental">
 +$ ls          # shows files and directories
 +$ ls -a       # includes hidden ones
 +$ ls -l       # detailed view
 +testdir  testfile
 +.  ..  testdir  testfile
 +drwxr-xr-x 1 myuser p12345 0 Apr 13 11:55 testdir
 +-rw-r--r-- 1 myuser p12345 4 Apr 13 11:55 testfile
 +<div class="incremental">
 +> Example for **moving around**, starting at the home directory:
 +<div class="columns incremental">
 +$ pwd
 +$ cd ..; pwd
 +$ cd /global; pwd
 +$ cd; pwd
 +$ cd -; pwd
 +- - -
 +### Moving files and directories
 +<div class="columns">
 +> - `'mv'`: short for `'move'`
 +> - `'cp'`: short for `'copy'`
 +<div class="incremental">
 +> Example:
 +<div class="columns">
 +$ cp file.orig file.copy
 +$ mv file.orig file.copy
 +$ cp file.orig dir
 +$ mv file.orig dir
 +$ cp dir1 dir2    # ERROR
 +$ cp -r dir1 dir2 # WORKS
 +$ mv dir1 dir2    # WORKS
 +> - copying or moving directories can result in unexpected behaviour:
 +>     - if dir2 is an existing directory, dir1 will become a subdirectory of dir2
 +>     - if dir2 is non-existent, dir1 will become dir2
 +<div class="columns">
 +##### Transfer to/from Cluster
 +> - `'scp'`: short for `'secure copy'`
 +>     - arguments can be either local or remote files and direcotries
 +> - `'rsync'`: short for `'remote syncronization'`
 +>     - similar to regular `mv`/`cp`/`scp`, except:
 +>         - pedantic about trailing slashes
 +>         - can merge directories
 +>         - can delete/overwrite changed files
 +`rsync` seems easy to use, but the advanced options could remove data from both sides of your transfer! It's a **syncronazation** utility, no simple move/copy tool
 +- - -
 +##### SCP
 +$ cp file.orig file.new
 +$ scp user@host:dir/file.orig file.new
 +$ scp file.orig user@host:dir/file.new
 +- this is easy to use and preferable for little, one time transfers
 +[ID1]: src/tux.svg "Hover Text 1" {height=150px style="margin: 10px;"}
 +[ID2]: src/tux.svg "Hover Text 2"
 +- ![Test][ID1]
 +- ![Test](src/tux.svg "Hover Text 1"){height=150px style="margin: 10px;"}
 +- [<font color=#cc3300>&#x27A0;</font>][ID2]
 +- - -
 +##### RSYNC
 +$ rsync dir1 dir2        # Local copy
 +$ rsync -e ssh dir1 dir2 # Remote copy
 +# These two have the same result:
 +$ rsync dir1  dir2
 +$ rsync dir1/ dir2/dir1
 +# This doesn't:
 +$ rsync dir1/ dir2
 +- there are many useful options, like:
 +    - `-a` $\rightarrow$ Archive mode, usually you want this
 +    - `-v` $\rightarrow$ Verbose mode
 +    - `-p` $\rightarrow$ Preserve permissions
 +    - `...` $\rightarrow$ RTFM or don't use those options   
 +- the `-e ssh` option tells rsync to connect via ssh to the remote machine
 +    - in this case the remote location is written like this:
 +         - user@host:remoteDir
 +- trailing slashes have an effect on where your files will go
 +## Copyleft
 +Third party content and its licensing information can be found at:
 +- [Levitating Gnu](https://www.gnu.org/graphics/meditate.html):
 +    - María del Pilar Saenz: [GFDL](https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)
 +- [Tux](https://pixabay.com/en/tux-penguin-animal-cute-linux-158547/):
 +    - [CC0 Public Domain](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en)
 +- [Tux and Gnu](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GNU_and_Tux.svg):
 +    - Aurelio A. Heckert: [Free Art License](http://artlibre.org/licence/lal/en/)
 +    - Larry Ewing, Simon Budig and Anja Gerwinski: probably [CC-BY](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
 +- [Tango Icons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tango_icons ):
 +    - Public Domain
 +## Copyright
 +The not explicitly licensed or non freely-redistributable licensed stuff:
 +- [the Good, the Bad & the Ugly](http://cinetropolis.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-t-anderson-banner.jpg):
 +    - [Dunno]()
 +## TestStuff
 +😁 $\rightarrow$ 😄  
 +😁 $\Rightarrow$ 😄  
 +😁 $\longrightarrow$ 😄  
 +😁 $\Longrightarrow$ 😄
 +[//]:#(Das ist ein Kommentar, dass nirgends aufscheint)
 +[TuxAndGnu]: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/GNU_and_Tux.svg "Tux and Gnu"
 +[VSC]: https://vsc.ac.at "Vienna Scientific Cluster"
 +## ToDo
 +- nano/vi
 +- df -h .
 +- du -sh ./*
 +- cat | sort | uniq | tr | awk | sed 
 +- example 
 +## table
 +head1 | head2 | head3
 +p1 | e11 | e12
 +p1 | e11 | e12e12
 +p1 | e12e12e12e12e12 | e12
 +head1 | head2 | head3
 +p1 | e11 | e12
 +p1 | e11 | e12e12
 +p1 | e12e12e12e12e12 | e12
  • pandoc/linux-wochen-wien/linux-101/linux-101.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/10/20 09:13
  • by pandoc