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start [2017/09/12 09:14] irstart [2023/07/27 14:27] – [GitLab] goldenberg
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-<html><p> +<html><a target="_blank" href="http://vsc.ac.at" class="media" title="http://vsc.ac.at" rel="nofollow"><img src="/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=doku:vsc3:logo_vsc_400x250.png" class="mediacenter" alt="" width="200" /></a></html>
-<a target="_blank" href="http://vsc.ac.at" class="media" title="http://vsc.ac.at" rel="nofollow"><img src="/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=200&amp;tok=b559ad&amp;media=doku:vsc3:logo_vsc_400x250.png" class="mediacenter" alt="" width="200" /></a> +
-<font color=#cc3300><h2><center>The Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) </center></h2></font></html> +<html><font color=#cc3300><h2><center>The Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) </center></h2></font></html> 
 <html><font color=#cc3300><h1><center>User Documentation</center></h1></font color=#cc3300></html>  <html><font color=#cc3300><h1><center>User Documentation</center></h1></font color=#cc3300></html> 
 <html> <html>
-<p><b><a href="https://wiki.vsc.ac.at/doku.php?id=doku.php&id=sidebar">Via the sidebar</a></b> you may navigate through the topics of the VSC user documentation.+<p> 
 +<a target="_blank" href="http://vsc.ac.at/training" class="media" title="http://vsc.ac.at/training" rel="nofollow"><img src="/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=doku:course-word-cloud.png" class="mediaright" alt="" width="220" /></a>
 </p> </p>
-<font color=#cc3300><h3>Important Information for VSC Users</h3></font color=#cc3300> 
-<p><b><a target="_blank" href="http://vsc.ac.at">The Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC)</a></b> consists of several cluster systems that have been designed to satisfy the demand for High Performance Computing (HPC) of a consortium of Austrian universities.</p>+==== DokuWiki ==== 
 +**[[sidebar|Via the sidebar]]** you may navigate through the topics of the VSC user documentation. 
 +Search for keywords in the **[[https://wiki.vsc.ac.at/doku.php?q=start&do=search|search bar]]** at the top of the page.\\ 
-<p> +==== TU coLAB ==== 
-<b><a target="_blank" href="http://vsc.ac.at/access">Access to the VSC</a></b> suite of high performance computers is granted on the basis of peer-reviewed projects which, beside scientific excellence, can demonstrate the need for extremely large computational resources</p>+Additional documentation about access via Remote Desktop (noMachine) and software with graphical user interface (GUI) can be found at **[[https://colab.tuwien.ac.at/display/IAVSC/Interactive+nodes|TU coLAB]]**.\\
-<p> +==== GitLab ==== 
-<b><a target="_blank" href="https://service.vsc.ac.at/">The VSC service website</a></b> has to be +Slides of VSC training courses and sample job scripts are found in our **[[https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at/vsc-public|GitLab]]**.\\ 
-used for project application, project extensions, and to create user accounts. Please follow the guidelines outlined in <b><a target="_blank" href="http://typo3.vsc.ac.at/access/project-application/">project application.</a></b>  +
-</p> +
-[[http://vsc.ac.at/training|{{ :doku:course-word-cloud.png?220|}}]]+<html><font color=#cc3300><h3>Important Information for VSC Users</h3></font color=#cc3300></html> 
-<html>+**[[http://vsc.ac.at|The Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC)]]** consists of several cluster systems that have been designed to satisfy the demand for High Performance Computing (HPC) of a consortium of Austrian universities.
-<p> +**[[http://vsc.ac.at/access|Access to the VSC]]** suite of high performance computers is granted on the basis of peer-reviewed projects which, beside scientific excellence, can demonstrate the need for extremely large computational resources.
-<a target="_blank" href="http://vsc.ac.at/training" class="media" title="http://vsc.ac.at/training" rel="nofollow"><img src="/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=220&amp;tok=fe541e&amp;media=doku:course-word-cloud.png" class="mediaright" alt="" width="220" /></a> +
-<p> +**[[https://service.vsc.ac.at/|The VSC service website]]** has to be 
-<b><a target="_blank" href="http://vsc.ac.at/training">VSC Training and Education</a></b> is provided responding to the users demand for courses in the field of high performance computing. +used for project application, project extensions, and to create user accounts. Please follow the guidelines outlined in **[[http://vsc.ac.at/access/project-application/|project application]]** and see the guide [[doku:projects|Creating and managing projects at VSC]]
 +**[[http://vsc.ac.at/training|VSC Training and Education]]** is provided responding to the users demand for courses in the field of high performance computing.
-<p> +Please **[[http://vsc.ac.at/access/acknowledgments/|acknowledge]]** the  Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) when you present or publish your results.
-Please +
-<b><a target="_blank" href="http://typo3.vsc.ac.at/access/acknowledgments/">acknowledge</a></b>  +
-the  Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) when you present or publish your results. +
-</p> +
-<p> +
-Project managers please add publications resulting from calculations done on the VSC to the  +
-<b><a target="_blank" href="http://typo3.vsc.ac.at/access/publications-database/">publications database</a></b> +
-on the <b><a target="_blank" href="https://service.vsc.ac.at/publication/wos/search">service website of VSC</a></b>+
-</p> +
 +Project managers please add publications resulting from calculations done on the VSC to the **[[http://vsc.ac.at/access/publications-database/|publications database]]**
 +on the **[[https://service.vsc.ac.at/publication/wos/search|VSC service website]]**
-Feel free to contact us at {{:doku:contact_vsc-red_margin.png?200|}} for all questions not answered here.       +Feel free to contact us at {{doku:support.png?nolink&200|}} for all questions not answered here.       
  • start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/08/20 11:49
  • by goldenberg