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doku:mathematica [2017/03/24 11:31] – [Example: Parallel Mathematica Task] markusdoku:mathematica [2022/09/20 13:41] (current) – [SLURM] groda
Line 1: Line 1:
 ======= Mathematica Batch Jobs ======= ======= Mathematica Batch Jobs =======
-===== VSC-2 ===== 
-==== Sun Grid Engine ==== 
-The simplest way is to create a file with your mathematica commands, e.g. 'math-input.m', and just input that in the batch file. 
-# the following option makes sure the job will run in the current directory 
-#$ -cwd 
-# this option makes sure the job has the same environment variables as the submission shell 
-#$ -V 
-MATHDIR=/opt/sw/Mathematica/90/bin +=== SLURM ===
-$MATHDIR/math < math-input.m +
-</code> +
-If we name the above file as math-job.sh and place it in the same directory as math-input.m we can submit it from the same directory with +
-<code> +
-user@l01 $ qsub math-job.sh +
-</code> +
- +
-The output will be left in file ''math-job.sh.o$JOB_ID'' and any errors in ''math-job.e$JOB_ID''+
- +
-You could also incorporate mathematica commands in the job file itself, rather then have them in a separate file:+
 +In order to be able to use Mathematica, you need to load the program with the ''module load'' command
 <code> <code>
-#$ -cwd +[username@l32]$ module load Mathematica    load the default Mathematica module 
-#$ -V +[username@l32]module list                check loaded modules 
- +Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 
-MATHDIR=/opt/sw/Mathematica/90/bin +  [...]  
- +      18) Mathematica/12.3.
-1+1 +
-3*3 +
 </code> </code>
-The above notations means that everything between "<<END_MATH_COMMANDS" and "END_MATH_COMMANDS" will be used as math program's input. You can again submit this job with qsub. 
-==== Parallel Usage ==== 
-#$ -N parallel 
-#$ -q all.q 
-#$ -pe mpich 32 
-# $TMPDIR/machines shows which host machines are reserved for the current job; 
-# copy this file to a temporary file which will be read in by Mathematica; 
-# in the following the small Mathematics m-file will start a kernel on each machine; 
-# since the kernel on the master is already running, it is sufficient 
-# to start the kernels beginning with the second host in the machines file. 
-cp -v $TMPDIR/machines machines_tmp 
-/opt/sw/Mathematica/90/bin/math -run "<<math.m" 
-Mathematica script named ''math.m'': 
-(* configuration for starting remote kernels *) 
-$RemoteCommand= "ssh `1` -n -l `3` \"/opt/sw/Mathematica/90/bin/math -mathlink -linkmode Connect `4` -linkname `2` -subkernel -noinit >& /dev/null &\"" 
-(* initialize the kernels on all machines defined in the host file *) 
-(* since the kernel on the master is already running, initialization starts with host 2 *) 
- Print["starting Kernel: ",i," on ",hosts[[i]]]; 
- LaunchKernels[RemoteMachine[hosts[[i]]]];, 
- {i,imin,imax,idelta} 
-(* actual calculation *) 
-primelist = ParallelTable[Prime[k], {k, 1, 20000000}]; 
-===== VSC-3 =====  
-=== SLURM === 
-In order to be able to use Mathematica, you have to load the program with the ''module load xyz'' command 
-[username@l32]$ module avail  # select a Mathematica version 
-[username@l32]$ module load Mathematica/10.0.2 # load desired version 
-[username@l32]$ module list   # check loaded modules 
-Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 
-  1) Mathematica/10.0.2   
 (See also the introduction to the [[https://wiki.vsc.ac.at/doku.php?id=doku:slurm|module command.]]) (See also the introduction to the [[https://wiki.vsc.ac.at/doku.php?id=doku:slurm|module command.]])
 Now, Mathematica can be called by Now, Mathematica can be called by
 <code> <code>
Line 164: Line 78:
 [username@l32]$ squeue -u username    # check state of your job [username@l32]$ squeue -u username    # check state of your job
 </code> </code>
 +==== remote kernel connection ====
 +The setup follows
 +[[https://cc-mathematik.univie.ac.at/services/vsc3-cluster/remote-mathematica-kernel/|Local mathematica with remote kernel]]
 +with the
 +**Shell command to launch kernel:**
 +for VSC3+
 +/Users/<LOCAL-USERNAME>/Library/tunnel.sh <VSC-USERNAME>@localhost:9998 /opt/sw/x86_64/generic/Mathematica/11.3/bin/math `linkname`
 +for VSC4
 +/Users/<LOCAL-USERNAME>/Library/tunnel.sh <VSC-USERNAME>@localhost:9998 /opt/sw/vsc4/VSC/x86_64/generic/Mathematica/12.3.1/bin/math `linkname`
 +Note that on VSC4, the salloc command [as described on the
 +cc-mathematik.univie.ac.at web link] does not need the Mathematica
 +license. Just leave the -L parameter away.
  • doku/mathematica.1490355102.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/03/24 11:31
  • by markus