======= Mathematica Batch Jobs =======
=== SLURM ===
In order to be able to use Mathematica, you need to load the program with the ''module load'' command
[username@l32]$ module load Mathematica # load the default Mathematica module
[username@l32]$ module list # check loaded modules
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
18) Mathematica/12.3.1
(See also the introduction to the [[https://wiki.vsc.ac.at/doku.php?id=doku:slurm|module command.]])
Now, Mathematica can be called by
[username@l32]$ math
==== Example: Parallel Mathematica Task ====
Mathematica script example ''math-vsc3.m'':
math = Environment["MATH_BIN"]
kernelsperhost = 16
$RemoteCommand = "ssh -x -f -l `3` `1` " <> math <> " -mathlink -linkmode Connect `4` -linkname '`2`' -subkernel -noinit"
(* first host with one kernel less *)
LaunchKernels[RemoteMachine[hosts[[1]], kernelsperhost-1]];
LaunchKernels[RemoteMachine[hosts[[i]], kernelsperhost]];
, {i, imin, imax, idelta}]
primelist = ParallelTable[Prime[k], {k, 1, 20000000}];
sbatch job script
#SBATCH -J par
#SBATCH -L mathematica@vsc
module purge
module load Mathematica/10.0.2 # load desired version
export MATH_BIN=`which math`
#export MATH_PROC=16
scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_NODELIST > nodelist
#execute prolog for getting access to license everywhere
srun hostname
math -run < math-vsc3.m
[username@l32]$ sbatch jobPar.sh # submit your job
[username@l32]$ squeue -u username # check state of your job
==== remote kernel connection ====
The setup follows
[[https://cc-mathematik.univie.ac.at/services/vsc3-cluster/remote-mathematica-kernel/|Local mathematica with remote kernel]]
with the
**Shell command to launch kernel:**
for VSC3+
/Users//Library/tunnel.sh @localhost:9998 /opt/sw/x86_64/generic/Mathematica/11.3/bin/math `linkname`
for VSC4
/Users//Library/tunnel.sh @localhost:9998 /opt/sw/vsc4/VSC/x86_64/generic/Mathematica/12.3.1/bin/math `linkname`
Note that on VSC4, the salloc command [as described on the
cc-mathematik.univie.ac.at web link] does not need the Mathematica
license. Just leave the -L parameter away.