====== MPI ====== ==== MPI Version ==== On VSC-2 several versions of MPI are available. Choose one using 'mpi-selector' or 'mpi-selector-menu': #list available MPI versions: $ mpi-selector --list impi_intel- impi_intel- intel_mpi_intel64- mvapich2_1.8_intel_limic mvapich2_gcc-1.9a2 mvapich2_intel openmpi-1.5.4_gcc openmpi-1.5.4_intel openmpi_gcc-1.6.4 #see the currently used MPI version: $ mpi-selector --query default:impi_intel- level:user #set the MPI version: $ mpi-selector --set impi_intel- Modifications will be active after logging in again. ==== General recommendations ==== To make sure that the MPI communication happens via the infiniband fabric, please use the following settings in your job-script and/or in your ''.bashrc'' file: export I_MPI_DAT_LIBRARY=/usr/lib64/libdat2.so.2 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 export I_MPI_FABRICS=shm:dapl export I_MPI_FALLBACK=0 export I_MPI_CPUINFO=proc export I_MPI_PIN_PROCESSOR_LIST=1,14,9,6,5,10,13,2,3,12,11,4,7,8,15,0 export I_MPI_JOB_FAST_STARTUP=0 ==== Jobs with more than 1024 cores ==== [[doku:large|Jobs with more than 1024 cores]]