====== Deep Learning (DL) ====== ===== DL and DataLAB community ===== The [[https://colab.tuwien.ac.at/display/DLDC/|DLDC platform]] is designed to foster the exchange of scientists from different fields in DL. There you will find community meeting announcements and the slides of past meetings. In addition, it is a space to host moderated special interest groups in the field of DL. ===== DL modules on VSC-3 ===== ==== Tensorflow ==== Typically on some GPU node, [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module purge [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module load gcc/5.3 mpioff/1.0 bazel/0.12.0 cuda/9.0.176 intel-mkl/2018 hdf5/1.8.18-SERIAL python/3.6 numpy/1.14.3 h5py/2.7.0 scipy/0.18.0 tensorflow/1.8.0.ttest ==== Keras ==== Typically on some GPU node, [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module purge [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module load gcc/5.3 mpioff/1.0 bazel/0.12.0 cuda/9.0.176 intel-mkl/2018 hdf5/1.8.18-SERIAL python/3.6 numpy/1.14.3 h5py/2.7.0 scipy/0.18.0 tensorflow/1.8.0.ttest keras/2.1.6.ttest ==== Pytorch ==== Typically on some GPU node, [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module purge [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module load gcc/5.3 cuda/9.1.85 intel-mkl/2018 cmake/3.9.6 python/3.6 numpy/1.14.3 pytorch/1.1.0b ==== Theano ==== Typically on some GPU node, [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module purge [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module load gcc/5.3 cuda/9.1.85 intel-mkl/11 cmake/3.8.2 python/2.7 numpy/1.12.0 libgpuarray/0.7.6 scipy/0.17.1 Theano/0.9.0 [someone@n372-003 ~]$ export MKL_THREADING_LAYER=GNU [someone@n372-003 ~]$ THEANO_FLAGS=device=cuda,floatX=float32 python whatevermyscript.py Many users nowadays prefer conda-based installs of DL software. For example on some GPU node, [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module purge [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module load anaconda3/5.3.0 [someone@n372-003 ~]$ module show anaconda3/5.3.0 [someone@n372-003 ~]$ source /opt/sw/x86_64/glibc-2.17/ivybridge-ep/anaconda3/5.3.0/etc/profile.d/conda.sh [someone@n372-003 ~]$ conda activate base (base) [someone@n372-003 ~]$ conda list ( just to see what packages are currently around ) (base) [someone@n372-003 ~]$ conda search tensorflow (base) [someone@n372-003 ~]$ conda create -n mytf "tensorflow 1.14.0 gpu_py37h4491b45_0" --> y ( say yes to the suggested list of packages to install ) (base) [someone@n372-003 ~]$ conda deactivate ( to get out of the 'base' environment again ) [someone@n372-003 ~]$ conda info --envs --> mytf /home/lv123456/someone/.conda/envs/mytf [someone@n372-003 ~]$ conda activate mytf (mytf) [someone@n372-003 ~]$ python Python 3.7.blablabla >>> import tensorflow as tf ( lots of FutureWarning... but probably not harmful !? ) >>> hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!') >>> sess = tf.Session() >>> print(sess.run(hello)) >>> D (mytf) [someone@n372-003 ~]$ conda deactivate