===== Running multiple mpi jobs concurrently ====== Sample job script to run two MPI tasks within one job script concurrently: ==== VSC-4 ===== Sample Job when for running multiple mpi jobs on a VSC-4 node. Note: The "mem_per_task" should be set such that mem_per_task * mytasks < mem_per_node - 2Gb The approx 2Gb reduction in available memory is due to operating system stored in memory. For a standard node with 96 Gb of Memory this would be eg.: 23 Gb * 4 = 92 Gb < 94 Gb #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J many #SBATCH -N 1 export SLURM_STEP_GRES=none mytasks=4 cmd="stress -c 24" mem_per_task=10G for i in `seq 1 $mytasks` do srun --mem=$mem_per_task --cpus-per-task=2 --ntasks=1 $cmd & done wait