====== Storage Infrastructure of VSC2 and VSC3 ====== * Motivation * Know how a HPC storage stack can be integrated into a supercomputer * and gain some additional insights * Know the hard- and software to harness its full potential ====== VSC2 - Basic Infos ====== * VSC2 * Procured in 2011 * Installed by MEGWARE * 1314 Compute Nodes * 2 CPUs each (AMD Opteron 6132 HE, 2.2Ghz) * 32 GB RAM * 2x Gigabit Ethernet * 1x Infiniband QDR * Login Nodes, Head Nodes, Hypervisors, etc... ====== VSC2 - File Systems ====== * File Systems on VSC2 * User Homes (/home/lvXXXXX) * Global (/fhgfs) * Scratch (/fhgfs/nodeName) * TMP (/tmp) * Change Filesystem with 'cd' * cd /global # Go into Global * cd ~ # Go into Home * Use your applications settings to set in/out directories * Pipe the output into your home with './myApp.sh 2>&1 > ~/out.txt' ====== VSC - Fileserver ====== {{pandoc:parallell-io:03_storage_infrastructure:storage_infrastructure:fileserver.jpg}} ====== VSC - Why different Filesystems ====== * Home File Systems * BeegFS (FhGFS) was very slow when it came to small file I/O * Leads to severe slowdown when compiling applications and/or * working with small files in general * We do not recommend using small files. Use big files when possible, however users want to * Compile Programs * Do some testing * Write (small) Log Files * etc... ====== VSC - Why different Filesystems ====== * Global * Parallell Filesystem (BeeGFS) * Perfectly suited for large sequential transfers * TMP * Uses the main memory (RAM) of the server. Up to 1/2 size of the whole memory. * Users can access it like a file system but they get the speed of a byte-wise addressable storage * Random I/O is blindingly fast * But comes at the price of main memory * If you are not sure how to map your file from GLOBAL/HOME into memory just copy it to TMP and you are ready to go ====== VSC - Why different Filesystems ====== * Small I/Os * Random Access --> TMP * Others --> HOME * Large I/Os * Random Access --> TMP * Sequential Access --> GLOBAL ====== VSC2 - Storage Homes ====== * VSC2 - Homes * 6 File Servers for Home * 2 CPUs each (Intel Xeon E5620 @ 2.40 Ghz - Westmere) * 48 GB RAM * 1x Infiniband QDR * LSI Raid Controller * Homes are Stored on RAID6 Volumes * 10+2 Disks per Array. Up to 3 Arrays per Server (Depends on usage) * Exported via NFS to the compute nodes (No RDMA) * Each project resides on 1 server ====== VSC2 - Storage Global ====== * VSC2 - Global * 8 File Servers * 2 CPUs each (Intel Xeon E5620 @ 2.40 Ghz - Westmere) * 192 GB RAM * 1x Infiniband QDR * LSI Raid Controller * OSTs consist of 24 Disks (22+1p+1Hot-Spare RAID5) * One Metadata Target per Server * 4x Intel X25-E 64 GB SSDs * Up to 6000 MB/s throughput * ~ 160 TB capacity ====== VSC2 - Storage Summary ====== * 14 Servers * ~ 400 spinning disks * ~ 25 SSDs * 2 Filesystems (Home+Global) * 1 Temporary Filesystem ====== VSC3 - Basic Infos ====== * Procured in 2014 * Installed by CLUSTERVISION * 2020 Nodes * 2 CPUs each (Intel Xeon E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60 Ghz) * 64 GB RAM * 2x Infiniband QDR (Dual-Rail) * 2x Gigabit Ethernet * Login Nodes, Head Nodes, Hypervisors, Accelerator Nodes, etc... ====== VSC3 - File Systems ====== * User Homes (/home/lvXXXXX) * Global (/global) * Scratch (/scratch) * EODC-GPFS (/eodc) * BINFS (/binfs) * BINFL (/binfl) ====== VSC3 - Home File System ====== * VSC3 - Homes * 9 Servers (Intel Xeon E5620 @ 2.40 Ghz) * 64 GB RAM * 1x Infiniband QDR * LSI Raid Controller * Homes are stored on RAID6 Volumes * 10+2 Disks per Array. Up to 3 Arrays per Server (Depends on usage) * Exported via NFS to the compute nodes (No RDMA) * 1 Server without RAID Controller running ZFS * Quotas are enforced ====== VSC3 - Global File System ====== * VSC3 - Global * 8 Servers (Intel Xeon E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70 Ghz) * 128 GB RAM * 1x Infiniband QDR * LSI Raid Controller * 4 OSTs per Server * 48 Disk 4x(10+2p) * 1 Metadata Target per Server * 2 SSDs each (Raid-1 / Mirrored) * Up to 20'000 MB/s throughput * ~ 600 TB capacity ====== VSC3 - GPFS ====== * IBM GPFS - General Parallell Filesystem / Elastic Storage / Spectrum Scale * Released in 1998 as multi media filesystem (mmfs) * Linux support since 1999 * Has been in use on many supercomputers * Separate Storage Pools * CES - Cluster Export Services * Can be linked to a hadoop cluster * Supports * Striping * n-way Replication * Raid (Spectrum Scale Raid) * Fast rebuild * ... ====== VSC3 - EODC Filesystem ====== * VSC3 <--> EODC * 4 IBM ESS Servers (~350 spinning disks each) * Running GPFS 4.2.3 * 12 Infiniband QDR Links * Up to 14 GB/s sequential write and 26 GB sequential read * Multi tiered (IBM HSM) * Least recently used files are written to tape * Stub File stays in the file system * Transparent recall after access * Support for schedules, callbacks, Migration Control, etc. * Sentinel Satellite Data * Multiple petabytes * Needs backup on different locations ====== VSC3 - EODC Filesystem ====== * VSC3 is a "remote cluster" for the EODC GPFS filesystem * 2 Management servers * Tie-Breaker disk for quorum * No filesystems (only remote filesystems from EODC) * Up to 500 VSC clients can use GPFS in parallell ====== VSC3 - Bioinformatics ====== * VSC3 got a "bioinformatics" upgrade in late 2016 * 17 Nodes * 2x Intel Xeon E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60 Ghz (14 cores each / 28 with hyperthreading) * Each node has at least 512 GB RAM * 1x Infiniband QDR (40 Gbit/s) * 1x Omnipath (100 Gbit/s) * 12 spinning disks * 4 NVMe Memories (Intel DC P3600) * These Nodes export 2 filesystems to VSC (BINFL and BINFS) ====== VSC3 - Bioinformatics ====== {{pandoc:parallell-io:03_storage_infrastructure:storage_infrastructure:binf.jpg}} ====== VSC3 - BINFL Filesystem ====== * Use for I/O intensive bioinformatics jobs * ~ 1 PB Space (Quotas enforced) * BeeGFS Filesystem * Metadata Servers * Metadata on Datacenter SSDs (RAID-10) * 8 Metadata Servers * Object Storages * Disk Storages configured as RAID-6 * 12 Disks per Target / 1 Target per Server / 16 Servers total * Up to 40 Gigabyte/second write speed ====== Binfs ====== * Use for very I/O intensive jobs * ~ 100 TB Space (Quotas enforced) * BeeGFS Filesystem * Metadata Servers * Metadata on Datacenter SSDs (RAID-10) * 8 Metadata Servers * Object Storages * Datacenter SSDs are used insteand of traditional disks. * No redundancy. See it as (very) fast and low-latency scratch space. Data may be lost after a hardware failure. * 4x Intel P3600 2TB Datacenter SSDs per Server * 16 Storage Servers * Up to 80 Gigabyte/second via OmniPath Interconnect ====== VSC3 - Storage Summary ====== * 33 Servers * ~ 800 spinning disks * ~ 100 SSDs * 5 Filesystems ( * Home * Global * EODC * BINFS * BINFL * Temporary Filesystem ====== Storage Performance ====== {{pandoc:parallell-io:03_storage_infrastructure:storage_infrastructure:vsc3_storage_performance.png}} ====== Temporary Filesystems ====== * Use for * Random I/O * Many small files * Data gets deleted after the job * Write Results to $HOME or $GLOBAL * Disadvantages * Disk space is consumed from main memory * Alternatively the mmap() system call can be used * Keep in mind, that mmap() uses lazy loading * Very small files waste main memory (memory mapped files are aligned to page-size) ====== Addendum: Backup ====== * Only for disaster recovery we keep some backups * Systems (Node Images, Head Nodes, Hypervisors, VMs, Module Environment) * via rsnapshot * Home * Home filesystems are backupped * via self written, parallellized rsync script * Global * Metadata is backupped. But if a total disaster happens this won't help. * Altough nothing happenend for some time, this is high performance computing and redundancy is minimal * Keep an eye on your data. If it's important you should backup it yourself. * Use rsync ====== Addendum: Big Files ====== * What does an administrator mean with 'don't use small files'? * It depends * On /global fopen --> fclose takes ~100 microseconds * On VSC2 Home Filesystems > 100 Million Files are stored. * A check which files have changed takes more than 12 hours. Without even reading file contents or copying. * What we mean is: Use reasonable file sizes according to your working set and your throughput needs * Reading a 2 GB File from SSD takes less than one second. Having files which are a few MB in size, will slow down your processing. * If you need high throughput with your >1TB working set a file size >=10E8 bytes is reasonable * File Sizes < 10E6 bytes are problematic if you plan to use many files * If you want to do random i/o copy your files to TMP. * Storage works well when the blocksize is reasonable for the storage system (on VSC3 a few Megabytes are enough) * Do not create millions of files * If every user had millions of files we'd run into some problems * Use 'tar' to archive unneeded files * tar -cvpf myArchive.tar myFolderWithFiles/ * tar -cvjpf myArchive.tar myFolderWithFiles/ # Uses bzip2 compression * Extract with * tar xf myArchive.tar ====== The End ====== Thank you for your attention