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Likwid 4.0


It is proving increasingly difficult to exert control over the assignment of different threads to the available CPU cores in multi-threaded OpenMP applications. Particularly troublesome are hybrid MPI/OpenMP codes. Here, the developer usually has a comprehensive knowledge of the regions running in parallel, but relies on the OS for optimal assignment of different physical cores to the individual computing threads. A variety of methods do exist to explicitly state the link between CPU core and a particular thread. However, in practice many of these configurations turn out to be either non-functional, dependent on MPI versions, or frequently ineffective and, moreover, are overruled by the queuing system (e.g. SLURM). In the following the auxiliary tool likwid-pin is described. It has shown promise in successfully managing arbitrary thread assignment to individual CPU cores in a more general way.


Suppose we have the following little test program, test_mpit_var.c, and want to run it using 8 threads on a single compute node based on the following set of physical cores: 3, 4, 2, 1, 6, 5, 7, 9. Thus, after compilation, e.g., via mpigcc -fopenmp ./test_mpit_var.c, the following SLURM submit script could be used

 #SBATCH -J tmv     
 #SBATCH --time=00:01:00

 module purge
 module load intel-mpi/5 likwid/4.0
 likwid-pin -c 3,3,4,2,1,6,5,7,9 ./a.out


likwid-pin may also be used for hybrid MPI/OpenMP applications. For example, in order to run the little test program on 4 nodes using 16 threads per node the submit script has to simply be modified in the following way,

 #SBATCH -J tmvmxd     
 #SBATCH --time=00:01:00

 module purge
 module load intel-mpi/5 likwid/4.0
 export I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY=/cm/shared/apps/slurm/current/lib/
 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16
 srun -n4 likwid-pin -c 0,0-15 ./a.out

Further Reading: