# Uni Wien ssh <username>@vsc.univie.ac.at # TU Wien ssh <username>@vsc.tuwien.ac.at # Boku Wien ssh <username>@vsc.boku.ac.at
scp <filename> <username>@vsc.univie.ac.at:~/
#$ -N <job_name> #$ -pe mpich <slots> #$ -V #$ -l h_rt=hh:mm:ss #$ -M <email address to notify of job events> #$ -m beas # all job events sent via email
The job can be started in several ways,
mpirun -m $TMPDIR/machines -np $NSLOTS <executable>
“<executable>” is substituted by the path of the MPI-enabled application.
Here is an example job-script, requesting 32 processor cores, which will run for a maximum of 3 hours and sends emails at the beginning and at the end of the job:
#$ -N hitchhiker #$ -pe mpich 32 #$ -V #$ -M my.name@example.at #$ -m be #$ -l h_rt=03:00:00 mpirun -m $TMPDIR/machines -np $NSLOTS ./myjob
qsub <job_file>
where “<job_file>” is the name of the file you just created.
$ ls -l hitchhiker.o42 hitchhiker.e42 hitchhiker.po42 hitchhiker.pe42
In this example hitchhiker.o42 contains the output of your job. hitchhiker.e42 contains possible error messages. In hitchhiker.po42 and hitchhiker.pe42 you might find additional information related to the parallel computing environment.