Solutions for common problems can be found under Troubleshooting.
# Uni Wien ssh <username> # TU Wien ssh <username> # Boku Wien ssh <username>
#$ -N <job_name> #$ -pe mpich <slots> #$ -V mpirun -m $TMPDIR/machines -np $NSLOTS <executable>
where “<job_name>” is a freely chosen descriptive name and “<slots>” is the number of processor cores that you want to use for the calculation. To ensure exclusive reservation of the computenodes for your job you have to give a multiple of 8 as value for “<slots>”. Substitute the path to your MPI-enabled application for <executable> and you are ready to run!
To receive E-Mail notifications concerning job events (b .. beginning, e .. end, a .. abort or reschedule, s .. suspend), use these lines in your job script:
#$ -M <email address to notify of job events> #$ -m beas # all job events sent via email
It is often advisable to also specify the job's runtime as
#$ -l h_rt=hh:mm:ss
in particular when you know that your job will run only for several hours or even minutes. That way one can “backfill” the queue, thus avoiding very long waiting times, which may be due to a highly parallel job waiting for free resources.
Here is an example job-script, requesting 32 processor cores, which will run for a maximum of 3 hours and sends emails at the beginning and at the end of the job:
#$ -N hitchhiker #$ -pe mpich 32 #$ -V #$ -M #$ -m be #$ -l h_rt=03:00:00 mpirun -m $TMPDIR/machines -np $NSLOTS ./myjob
qsub <job_file>
where “<job_file>” is the name of the file you just created.
$ ls -l hitchhiker.o42 hitchhiker.e42 hitchhiker.po42 hitchhiker.pe42
In this example hitchhiker.o42 contains the output of your job. hitchhiker.e42 contains possible error messages. In hitchhiker.po42 and hitchhiker.pe42 you might find additional information related to the parallel computing environment.
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In publications, for which calculations have been performed on the VSC the following acknowledgment can be used: