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07_graphical_apps @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:01_introduction
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] slides for more technical details ---- ===== start VNC desktop ===== * start VNC server (e.g. on login node 1): <code> vncserver -geometry 1920x1080 -d... on same compute nodes as application * it is started together with application in job script * e... t/sw/x86_64/generic/abaqus/Commands/abq2017 xpra start \ --daemon=no \
04_slurm @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:01_introduction
4 Hits, Last modified:
USER GROUP PARTITION PRIORITY START_TIME NAME NODES NODELIST STATE 555 us... 1-12T11:58:47 EligibleTime=2018-01-12T11:58:47 StartTime=2018-01-12T11:58:47 EndTime=2018-01-19T11:58:... ask will be treated as a seperate job * example start=1, end=30, stepwidth=7: <code> #!/bin/sh #SBATCH... any:<job_id> srun ./my_program </code> <HTML><ol start="3" style="list-style-type: decimal;"></HTML> <HT
05_commands @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:02_slurm
2 Hits, Last modified:
vations ===== <code> scontrol create reservation starttime=$START \ endtime=$END \ partitionname=$PARTITION \ Accounts=$ACCOUNT \
01_introduction @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:01_introduction
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k the option “Set locale environment variables on startup” and restart the terminal. ---- ===== Filesy
05_user_software @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:01_introduction
1 Hits, Last modified:
start file with a .res file extension. <HTML><ol start="2" style="list-style-type: decimal;"></HTML> <HT
  • start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/04/22 15:32
  • by msiegel