This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (2015/09/15 09:52) is a draft.
Approvals: 0/1

This is an old revision of the document!

perf-report is a lightweight profiling tool that provides basic information about where the computing time is actually spent in a given application. It is developed by Allinea and very simple to use, i.e. by simply inserting the call to perf-report prior to the usual execution of the program.

For example, examining a simple MPI job could be done with the help of the following submit script to SLURM

 #SBATCH -J prflng        
 #SBATCH -N 2 
 #SBATCH --time=00:10:00

 module purge
 module load intel-mpi/5
 module load allinea/5.10
 perf-report mpirun -np 32 a.out

This produces .edf and .trc files. Then one has to merge these files via:

tau_merge -e events.*.edf -m vasp_events.edf tautrace.*.0.0.trc vasp.trc

and finally the 'vasp.trc' and the 'vasp_events.edf' files need to be converted into .slog2 format:

tau2slog2 vasp.trc vasp_events.edf -o vasp.slog2

This file (vasp.slog2) can be visualized with jumpshot.

Currently a demo version of VAMPIR is installed on VSC-1. It can visualize VAMPIRTRACE files, as well as other formats such as OTF

Location on VSC-1: /opt/vampir

Both are installed together with TAU.


  • doku/perf-report.1442310739.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/09/15 09:52
  • by sh