This is an old revision of the document!
Brief Introduction
ssh <username>
In the following you will be asked to type first your password and then your one time password (OTP; sms token).
Once you have logged into VSC-3, type:
- module avail to get a basic idea of what is around in terms of installed software and available standard tools
- module list to see what is currently loaded into your session
- module unload xyz to unload a particular package xyz from your session
- module load xyz to load a particular package xyz into your session
- xyz format corresponds exactly to the output of module avail. Thus, in order to load or unload a selected module, copy and paste exactly the name listed by module avail.
- a list of module load/unload directives may also be included in the top part of a job submission script
When all required/intended modules have been loaded, user packages may be compiled as usual.
SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management)
Contrary to previous VSC* times, the scheduler on VSC-3 is SLURM. For basic information type:
- sinfo to find out which 'queues'='partitions' are available for job submission. Note: the in SGE times termed 'queue', is now under SLURM called a 'partition'.
- scontrol show partition more or less the same as the previous command except that with scontrol much more information may be obtained and basic settings be modified/reset/abandoned.
- squeue to see the current list of submitted jobs, their state and resource allocation.
A simple job submission script
vi check.slrm
#!/bin/bash # #SBATCH -J chk #SBATCH -N 2 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1 mpirun -np 32 a.out
- -J some name for the job
- -N number of nodes requested (16 cores per node available)
- –ntasks-per-node number of processes run in parallel on a single node
- –ntasks-per-core number of tasks a single core should work on
- mpirun -np 32 a.out standard invocation of some parallel program (a.out) running 32 processes in parallel. Note,
- in SLURM srun is preferred over mpirun, so an equivalent call to the one on the final line above could have been srun -l -N2 -n32 a.out where the -l just adds task-specific labels to the beginning of all output lines.
Job submission
[username@l31 ~]$ sbatch check.slrm # to submit the job [username@l31 ~]$ squeue # to check the status [username@l31 ~]$ scancel JOBID # for premature removal, where JOBID # is obtained from the previous command
Another simple job submission script
This example is for using a set of 4 nodes to compute a series of jobs in two stages, each of them split into two separate subjobs.
vi check.slrm
#!/bin/bash # #SBATCH -J chk #SBATCH -N 4 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1 export I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY=/cm/shared/apps/slurm/current/lib64/ scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_NODELIST > ./nodelist srun -l -N2 -r0 -n32 job1.scrpt & srun -l -N2 -r2 -n32 job2.scrpt & wait srun -l -N2 -r2 -n32 job3.scrpt & srun -l -N2 -r0 -n32 job4.scrpt & wait
the file 'nodelist' has been written for information only;
it is important to send the jobs into the background (&) and insert the 'wait' at each synchronization point;
with -r2 one can define an offset in the node list, in particular the -r2 means taking nodes number 2 and 3 from the set of four (where the list starts with node number 0), hence a combination of -N -r -n allows full control over all involved cores and the tasks they are going to be used for;