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doku:python [2024/02/29 09:25] katrindoku:python [2024/03/19 14:24] katrin
Line 38: Line 38:
 # create your environment via environment file # create your environment via environment file
 # this will place the environment in your ~/.conda/envs folder # this will place the environment in your ~/.conda/envs folder
-# note: make sure to use "conda >env< create" - "conda create" is a different command +# note:  
-(base) $ conda env create -n my-env --file my_env.yaml+#  - make sure to use "conda >env< create" - "conda create" is a different command 
 +#  - the name is taken from the yaml file; a custom name can be specified with "-n my-custom-name"  
 +(base) $ conda env create --file my_env.yaml
 # after creation you can activate the environment to run code in it # after creation you can activate the environment to run code in it
  • doku/python.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/18 11:14
  • by katrin