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faq:account [2015/04/14 13:42] – [Statistics] irfaq:account [2023/12/19 09:55] (current) – [Statistics] goldenberg
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 ====== Account management ====== ====== Account management ======
-[[https://service.vsc.tuwien.ac.at|Here]] you have access to your account information. 
 ==== Phone number and email-address ==== ==== Phone number and email-address ====
-Only the project manager can edit phone number and email-address. The accounts are listed in the section //user accounts//+Only the project manager can edit phone number and email-address on the [[https://service.vsc.ac.at|projects' detail page]]. The accounts are listed in the section //user accounts//
-For VSC-3, a valid mobile phone number is necessary because login at VSC-3 requires two-factor authentication (password and SMS-token). +For VSC-4 and VSC-5, a valid mobile phone number is necessary because login requires two-factor authentication (password and SMS-token). 
-For reasons of security, changing the phone number **will not automatically** lead to creation of a new token. In this case, contact the support team to accept the new phone number and to create new token +Changing the phone number will create a new token, but this can take up to half an hourSome phone numbers (especially US numbers) may not work immediately and need adaptations at our provider - is this case, please contact us. 
 +If, for some reason, a phone number cannot be used by you, hardware key (Yubikey) can be used. This provides two-factor authentication via a USB device. The Yubikey needs to be fetched from us, so please contact us if this is needed.
 ==== Password ==== ==== Password ====
-The user can change his password in the account review. +The user can change his password in the [[https://service.vsc.ac.at/clusteruser/login/|account review]]
-If a password is lost, the project leader can reset the password by editing the user's data in //user accounts//. +If a password is lost, the project leader can reset the password by editing the user's data in the section //user accounts// of the projects' detail page.
 ==== Statistics ==== ==== Statistics ====
-Cluster usage is visualized for all project members and used clusters.  +Cluster resolved usage is visualized for each project member in the [[https://service.vsc.ac.at/clusteruser/login/|account review]] pages. 
-{{ :doku:vergabeassistent_user.png?400 |}}+
  • faq/account.1429018929.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/04/14 13:42
  • by ir