This version (2020/10/20 09:13) is a draft.
Approvals: 0/1

Login and data transfer

  • Article written by Irene Reichl (VSC Team)
    (last update 2020-09-22 by ir).

Project and User Account

Project and User Account

Connecting to VSC

Connecting to VSC

Connecting to VSC

linux: xterm, mac: terminal ## alternative terminal connection  PuTTY

Connecting to VSC


[...]$ ssh <me>
# dedicated server :
[...]$ ssh <me>
[...]$ ssh <me>  
[...]$ ssh <me>
# dedicated server :
[...]$ ssh <me>
[...]$ ssh <me>  


export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

again and again

again and again



ssh-keys — tunneling

ssh-keys — tunneling

how to set up ssh-keys on client and login node


[...]$ eval `ssh-agent`     # start ssh agent
[...]$ echo $SSH_AGENT_SOCK # check if it is running
[...]$ chmod 700 ~./ssh     # change rights of .ssh-directioy
[...]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa    # generate key on local machine

will be asked to create a pass phrase. that passphrase must be as secure as your password. IT IS POSSIBLE AT THAT POINT TO GIVE NO PASSWORD, BUT NEVER EVER GENERATE A KEY WHICH IS NOT PROTECTED !!! This may be a hazard for our systemm

[...]$ ssh-copy-id <me> # copy key to remote machine

will be asked for password & OTP on VSC-4

more about the SSH agent

Backup Policy

for details see Markus Hickel/Storage

Sync and Copy

Sync and Copy

scp <source> <destination>
scp <me><myfile.c> .
scp myfile.c <me>
rsync [OPTIONs] <source> <destination>
maybe useful: -av, --exclude=/daten/temp/...

in order to setup on the remote machine, follow: WIKI-link:rsync on remote machines

Copy — alternative via FileZilla


Copy — alternative via winscp


  • pandoc/introduction-to-vsc/02_connecting_to_vsc/connecting_to_vsc-20200925.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/10/20 09:13
  • by pandoc