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node_access_job_control @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:06_node_access_job_control
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====== Interactive jobs: salloc ====== <HTML><ol start="2" style="list-style-type: decimal;"></HTML> <HT... ROR_USER_GROUP=220 ERROR_USER_HOME=221 ERROR_GPFS_START=228 ERROR_GPFS_MOUNT=229 ERROR_GPFS_UNMOUNT=230 <... sacct -j 409878 -o jobid,jobname,cluster,nodelist,Start,End,cputime,cputimeraw,ncpus,qos,account,ExitCode... JobName Cluster NodeList Start End CPUTime CPUTimeRAW NC
slurm @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:05_submitting_batch_jobs
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html>(last update 2017-10-09 by ms). ==== Quickstart ==== script [[examples/|examples/05_submitting_batch_jobs/]]: <code> #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J h5test #SBATCH ... any:<job_id> srun ./my_program </code> <HTML><ol start="3" style="list-style-type: decimal;"></HTML> <HT
storage_infrastructure @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:08_storage_infrastructure
2 Hits, Last modified:
corresponding slurm-*.out files </code> <HTML><ol start="2" style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"></HTML>... orresponding slurm-*.out files </code> <HTML><ol start="2" style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"></HTML>
connecting_to_vsc @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:02_connecting_to_vsc
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node}} <code bash> [...]$ eval `ssh-agent` # start ssh agent [...]$ echo $SSH_AGENT_SOCK # check if
connecting_to_vsc-20200925 @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:02_connecting_to_vsc
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DEMO: <code bash> [...]$ eval `ssh-agent` # start ssh agent [...]$ echo $SSH_AGENT_SOCK # check if
01_singularity @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:14_singularity
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[[|https:%%//]] Singularity
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  • Last modified: 2024/04/22 15:32
  • by msiegel