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05_user_software @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:01_introduction
14 Hits, Last modified:
sh </code> ---- ===== COMSOL 5.2a ===== ==== Restarting jobs ==== To continue your calculation from t... h </code> ---- ===== ANSYS Fluent ===== ==== Restarting a calculation ==== To restart a fluent job, you can read in the latest data file: <code> # read cas... ===== ABAQUS 2016 ===== ==== Checkpointing and restart ==== Users sometimes find that their jobs take l
node_access_job_control @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:06_node_access_job_control
10 Hits, Last modified:
====== Interactive jobs: salloc ====== <HTML><ol start="2" style="list-style-type: decimal;"></HTML> <HT... ROR_USER_GROUP=220 ERROR_USER_HOME=221 ERROR_GPFS_START=228 ERROR_GPFS_MOUNT=229 ERROR_GPFS_UNMOUNT=230 <... NING Reason=None Dependency=(null) Requeue=0 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=0 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0 RunTime=0... -12T15:50:44 AccrueTime=2020-10-12T15:50:44 StartTime=2020-10-12T15:51:07 EndTime=2020-10-22T15:51:
07_graphical_apps @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:01_introduction
8 Hits, Last modified:
] slides for more technical details ---- ===== start VNC desktop ===== * start VNC server (e.g. on login node 1): <code> vncserver -geometry 1920x1080 -d... fork of Gnome 2) is preconfigured in ''%%~/.vnc/xstartup%%'' * connect your VNC-viewer to address ''%%... on same compute nodes as application * it is started together with application in job script * e
linux-101 @pandoc:linux-wochen-wien:linux-101
6 Hits, Last modified:
==== GNU ==== {{.:gnu.svg?0x200}} > In 1984 RMS starts the **GNU** project, with the goal to provide a ... ====== ==== Filesystem 101 ==== - Everything starts at the root * the root is a directory * ... ep inside it - that ends in ''%%.txt%%'' - or starts with ''%%log_%%'' - and is an ordinary file ... sfy our needs: === * nano * vim === Common starting point === <code bash> nano filename </code> <
04_slurm @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:01_introduction
5 Hits, Last modified:
USER GROUP PARTITION PRIORITY START_TIME NAME NODES NODELIST STATE 555 us... NING Reason=None Dependency=(null) Requeue=1 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0 RunTime=0... 1-12T11:58:47 EligibleTime=2018-01-12T11:58:47 StartTime=2018-01-12T11:58:47 EndTime=2018-01-19T11:58:... ask will be treated as a seperate job * example start=1, end=30, stepwidth=7: <code> #!/bin/sh #SBATCH
slurm @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:05_submitting_batch_jobs
4 Hits, Last modified:
html>(last update 2017-10-09 by ms). ==== Quickstart ==== script [[examples/|examples/05_submitting_batch_jobs/]]: <code> #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J h5test #SBATCH ... any:<job_id> srun ./my_program </code> <HTML><ol start="3" style="list-style-type: decimal;"></HTML> <HT
markdown @pandoc:markdown:01_general
4 Hits, Last modified:
dot. <code> 1. The first line in a numbered list starts the series. 3. The second number is irrelevant, ... see </code> - The first line in a numbered list starts the series. - The second number is irrelevant,... batim in the resulting document. * Must match start and end tags manually without breaking the slide ... ed with bash syntax ``` ```{.python .numberLines startFrom=5} This will be highlighted with python synta
git @pandoc:git:01_general
3 Hits, Last modified:
kflow 2 ==== Combined like this is a good way to start working: * Start by syncing the progress of upstream <code bash> git checkout master git pull origi... on a feature ==== - Create a new branch, which starts out identical to the current - Work on the pro
utilities @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:03_linux_primer
3 Hits, Last modified:
t in the current directory. It does hide elements starting with a dot though. These hidden elements can b... he home directory. Otherwise it takes a absolute (starting with a dash) or relative path as an argument a... ep inside it - that ends in ''%%.txt%%'' - or starts with ''%%log_%%'' - and is an ordinary file
backup_on_vsc3 @pandoc:arge_storage:05_backup_on_vsc3
2 Hits, Last modified:
ver muessen gebackuppt sein, bevor der Zyklus neu starten kann * Output / Monitoring der Rsync Jobs? ... heckt Anzahl der laufenden rsync Prozesse * Startet backup fuer naechsten Server in Queue * 1
01_introduction @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:01_introduction
2 Hits, Last modified:
k the option “Set locale environment variables on startup” and restart the terminal. ---- ===== Filesystems ===== We have 3 filesystems for users: * ''%%
01_install_and_recovery @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:02_slurm
2 Hits, Last modified:
mpty) ===== update procedure ===== * first: restart slurmdb * second: restart slurmctld * third: slurmd on nodes * db consistency +/- two version numb
05_commands @pandoc:introduction-to-mul-cluster:02_slurm
2 Hits, Last modified:
vations ===== <code> scontrol create reservation starttime=$START \ endtime=$END \ partitionname=$PARTITION \ Accounts=$ACCOUNT \
storage_infrastructure @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:08_storage_infrastructure
2 Hits, Last modified:
corresponding slurm-*.out files </code> <HTML><ol start="2" style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"></HTML>... orresponding slurm-*.out files </code> <HTML><ol start="2" style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"></HTML>
01_install_and_recovery @pandoc:slurm:01_install
2 Hits, Last modified:
mpty) ===== update procedure ===== * first: restart slurmdb * second: restart slurmctld * third: slurmd on nodes * db consistency +/- two version numb
02_commands @pandoc:slurm:03_jobsubmission
2 Hits, Last modified:
editors @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:03_linux_primer
1 Hits, Last modified:
linuxprimer @pandoc:introduction-to-vsc:03_linux_primer
1 Hits, Last modified:
02_node_partitions @pandoc:slurm:02_setup
1 Hits, Last modified:
  • start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/08/20 11:49
  • by goldenberg