This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (2022/08/24 07:14) was approved by katrin.

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Dask on JupyterHub

We have a prepared conda environment to use with dask

To properly use dask from the jupyterhub conda environment use the following settings

```python import dask import dask.distributed

import os

DASHBOARD_PORT = 41231 # a port of your choosing - should be free on the node running the notebook

user = os.environ.get('USER')

dask.config.set({'': f'/user/{user}/proxy/{DASHBOARD_PORT}/status'}) dask.config.get('')

from dask_jobqueue import SLURMCluster

cluster = SLURMCluster(queue='mem_0096', # specify the partition to use (even though it says queue)

                     project='sysadmin',     # use your project e.g. p72310
                     cores=48,               # how many cores should each worker job have
                     memory='10GB',          # how much memory should every worker job have
                     processes=1             # each worker starts multiple processes (using the resources) - depends on your problem
                     walltime='00:05:00',    # maximum runtime of a worker job
                     interface='ib0',        # interface for workers to communicate on
                     scheduler_options={'interface': 'eno1',                         # scheduler interface
                                        'dashboard_address': f':{DASHBOARD_PORT}'},  # set a different dashboard port to avoid collisions
                     job_extra=['--qos="admin"', '-N 1'],                            # manually set a qos and optional additional node specs
                     header_skip=['-n 1'])                                           # omit this line from the generated job script (needed so we can add our own above)


cluster.scale(jobs=1) # jobs here means how many slurm worker jobs we will get

cluster.get_logs() # check if the jobs have been allocated and the workers are connected - alternatively check via slurm squeue -u <USERNAME>

from dask.distributed import Client client = Client(cluster) # create a client using the cluster

# now schedule some work

import dask.array as da

x = da.random.random1) y = da.random.random2) z = (da.arcsin(x) + da.arccos(y)).sum(axis=(1,))


cluster.close() # stop the cluster once you're done (also happens automatically when the notebook kernel exits) ```

1) , 2)
10_000,10_000,10), chunks=(1000,1000,5
  • doku/jupyterhub/dask.1661325284.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/24 07:14
  • by katrin