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Monitor where threads/processes are running
There are several ways to monitor your job, either in live time directly on the compute node or by modifying the job script or the application code:
- <html><font color=#cc3300>live </font> <span style=“color:blue;font-size:100%;”>⟿</span> submit the job and connect with the compute node</html>
[xy@l32]$ sbatch [xy@l32]$ squeue -u xy JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 1098917 mem_0096 vasp_xx xy R 0:02 1 n408-041 [xy@l32]$ ssh n408-041 [xy@nn408-041]$ top
When typing <html><span style=“color:blue;font-size:100%;”>⟿</span> <font color=#cc3300>1</font></html> during the top call, per-core-information is obtained, e.g., about the cpu-usage, compare with the picture to the right. The user can select the parameters to be shown from a list displayed when typing <html><span style=“color:blue;font-size:100%;”>⟿</span> <font color=#cc3300>f</font></html>.
The columns VIRT and RES indicate the virtual, resident memory usage of each process (per default in kB). The column COMMAND lists the name of the command or application.
- <html><font color=#cc3300>batch script</font> (Intel-MPI) <span style=“color:blue;font-size:100%;”>⟿</span> set: I_MPI_DEBUG=4 </html>
- <html><font color=#cc3300>code</font> <span style=“color:blue;font-size:100%;”>⟿</span> via library functions information about the locality of processes and threads can be obtained (libraries: mpi.h or in C-code hwloc.h (hardware locality) or sched.h (scheduling parameters)) </html>
#include "mpi.h" ... MPI_Get_processor_name(processor_name, &namelen);
#include <sched.h> ... CPU_ID = sched_getcpu();
#include <hwloc.h> ... hwloc_topology_t topology; hwloc_cpuset_t cpuset; hwloc_obj_t obj; hwloc_topology_init ( &topology); hwloc_topology_load ( topology); hwloc_bitmap_t set = hwloc_bitmap_alloc(); hwloc_obj_t pu; err = hwloc_get_proc_cpubind(topology, getpid(), set, HWLOC_CPUBIND_PROCESS); pu = hwloc_get_pu_obj_by_os_index(topology, hwloc_bitmap_first(set)); int my_coreid = hwloc_bitmap_first(set); hwloc_bitmap_free(set); hwloc_topology_destroy(topology); // compile: mpiicc -qopenmp -o ompMpiCoreIds ompMpiCoreIds.c -lhwloc