This version is outdated by a newer approved version.DiffThis version (2022/10/04 06:53) was approved by katrin.The Previously approved version (2014/10/24 12:34) is available.Diff

This is an old revision of the document!

check currently available openfoam modules/versions:

module avail openfoam*

load openfoam:

spack load -r openfoam-org@7 %intel@     #load openfoam-org version 7 and additional packages
module load intel/19.0.5                           #loading compiler with spack not working, needs to be loaded separately

Example submission script:

#SBATCH -J sim
#SBATCH -A p71428
#SBATCH --qos p71428_0096 
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=48 

module purge
spack load -r openfoam-org@7 %intel@
module load intel/19.0.5

EXE=`which foamExec`

$EXE decomposePar -allRegions
mpirun -np 48 $EXE chtMultiRegionFoam -parallel
$EXE reconstructPar -newTimes -allRegions
$EXE rm -r processor*

load openfoam source file to have environment variables and be able to compile custom code:

source $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/bashrc

ODE-Solvers within openFoam-org versions should be used with the gcc-compiler.

a simple jobscript for using the /work/tmp directory on VSC1 for openFOAM:

in July 2013 VSC-1 has been updated to Scientific Linux 6.4 (identical with VSC-2). Also the latest Infiniband Software only includes Intel MPI. For installing OpenFoam on VSC-1 please use the installation Scripts from VSC-2

Set the MPI Version to 'qlogicmpi_intel-0.1.0', logout and login again.

Download the source packages for OpenFoam and Thirdparties. Place them at the same directory as the scripts which are provided below.

(old) Version 1.7.1

Patched File: turbulentheatfluxtemperaturefvpatchscalarfield.c

Place at same directory as the script is executed.

(old) Version 2.1.1

Set the MPI Version to 'intel_mpi_intel64-' (1.7.1, 2.1.1) or 'impi_intel-' (2.2.0), logout and login again.

Download the source packages for OpenFoam and Thirdparties. Place them at the same directory as the scripts which are provided below.

(old): Version 1.7.1

Patched File: turbulentheatfluxtemperaturefvpatchscalarfield.c

Place at same directory as the script is executed.

(old): Version 2.1.1

(old): Version 2.2.0

(old): Version 2.2.2

(old): Version 2.3.x

version using the latest git repository of openfoam:

intel mpi

intel mpi

(old): Version foam-ext-3.0

script may needed to be run twice, because git clone some how terminates the script …

(old): Version foam-ext-3.1

compilation succeeded except some mesh conversion tools

Performance tests were done using different setups, depending on the used cluster:


  • Intel C-compiler 11.1
  • Qlogic MPI 0.1.0


  • Intel C-compiler 12.1.3
  • Intel MPI / impi_intel-

Compared to the gcc + openmpi Version a speed up of about 1/3 was found in case of 32 cores on VSC-1

Note: the runs denoted “VSC1 qlogic scaled” are the same as “VSC1 qlogic” but the runtimes were multiplied by a factor of 1.33 which is the nominal factor in clockspeed between VSC-1 and VSC-2

Cavity Benchmark for version 2.2.0

cores VSC-2 intel. mpich16 VSC-2 intel. mpich8
16 4471 4949
32 4753 2202
64 1832 809
128 508 279
256 234 182

Cavity Benchmark for version 2.1.1

real times for benchmark in seconds:
  • mpich16: 16 cores per node were used for calculation
  • mpich8: 8 cores per node were used for calculation
cores VSC-1 qlogic VSC-2 intel. mpich16 VSC-2 intel. mpich8 VSC-1 gcc + openmpi
16 2843 4426 3083
32 1282 2176 1504 1818
64 545 937 663
128 229 360 270
256 134 207 173

Cavity benchmark for version 1.7.1

real times for benchmark in seconds:
  • mpich16: 16 cores per node were used for calculation
cores VSC-1 qlogic VSC-2 intel. mpich16
16 2826 4473
32 1260 2086
64 517 887
128 224 333
256 - 225

was used; ask admins

  • doku/openfoam.1658217543.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/10/24 10:21
  • (external edit)