This version (2022/06/20 09:01) was approved by msiegel.
This is an old revision of the document!
Using Totalview on the Vienna Scientific Cluster
- Download the remote display client for your platform from here and install it on your workstation.
- If using bash on the VSC, add the following lines to your .bashrc or .bash_profile:
export TVDSVRLAUNCHCMD="ssh -X" export TOTALVIEW="/opt/totalview/bin/totalview"
If you use tcsh, set in your .cshrc:
setenv TVDSVRLAUNCHCMD "ssh -X" setenv TOTALVIEW "/opt/totalview/bin/totalview"
and logout and login to VSC or source the respective file, e.g.: # source $HOME/.bashrc
- Set up a job-script in a directory on the login of the VSC, similar to this one:
#!/bin/csh -f changequote(`[', `]') #$ -V #$ -S /bin/csh #$ -N <Job name> #$ -pe mpich 16 #$ -l h_rt=00:30:00 # Do not remove the following: TV_COMMAND # The following removes the temporary script file TV_RM_COMMAND exit
or download it from here.
NOTE: up to 32 processes can be debugged at the same time. - Compile your application with debug switches, e.g.:
mpif90 -g -O0 -o my_prog_openmpi_wInfi_g.out -shared_intel ./hello_mpi_demo.f
You can download the example program hello_mpi_demo.f.
NOTE: currently only OpenMPI is known to be working. Therefore, before the application is compiled make sure that OpenMPI is selected in your environment with# mpi-selector --query
You can see the available MPI versions with
# mpi-selector --list
and set a new MPI version with e.g.:
# mpi-selector --set oopenmpi_intel_qlc-1.4
After setting the new environment log out and log in again and compile your application.
- Start the remote display client on your local workstation. Under Linux, e.g.:
# ./remote_display.1.2.0-0/bin/
- The important fields are:
- Enter remote host to run your debug session:
- Remote Host: enter the login node of your university
- User Name: your VSC username
- not needed
- Enter settings for the debug session on the Remote Host:
- Path to totalview on the remote host: /opt/totalview/bin/totalview
- Your Executable (path & name): → enter the complete path to your program
- under the caption Submit Job to Batch Queueing System: select PBS Pro → this will open additional fields with options for the queueing system
- Enter batch submission settings for the Remote Host:
- PBS Submit Command: qsub
- TotalView PBS Script to Run: tvsge.csh → this is the script your created in step 3 above.
- Additional PBS Options: → here you can give any additional options that were not already specified in your job script, e.g.:
-M -m beas
- Klick on <html><input type=“button” value=“Launch Debug Session”></html> → this will launch a session and submit the job script to the grid engine queueing system on the VSC. Depending on your configuration you might be asked for your password on the VSC. As soon as the job has been scheduled a window should open up on your workstation: