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Getting Access to the VSC Supercomputer
Who Can Apply
Scientific personnel of the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology, the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science Vienna, the Graz University of Technology, the Karl-Franzens University of Graz, the Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, the Montan-University Leoben, and the University of Innsbruck may apply for an account.
Types of Projects
Five different types of projects can be applied for:
- funded project (gefördertes Projekt)
Projects already receiving funding from funding institutions such as FWF, FFG, ÖAW, WWTF, ERC, EU, ACRP, proVISION, IV2Splus, etc. which require significant computational resources are eligible for registration at the cluster. Attestation of the funding decision and a description of the project must be provided with the application. Please note that the person who requests a project on VSC should be the project manager of the funded project. - internal project (internes Projekt)
Projects that do not receive funding from one of these organisations and have not been peer reviewed fall into this category. After a detailed description (which must include an estimation of required computational resources) of the project has been provided, the “steering committee” arranges a peer review by external referees. On the basis of this peer review, the steering committee decides about the allocation of computational resources. - external project (externes Projekt)
External projects that have not been peer reviewed may be granted access to the cluster by the steering committee. The computational resources used have to be paid for. These projects are treated with lower priority than projects that fall into the first two categories. - test project (Test-Projekt)
This category is intended for testing whether a project can be carried out at the VSC and to make it possible to estimate the required computational resources. A test project is available for 1 month and has limited resources. - application for planned project (Anmeldung für geplantes Förderprojekt)
If you intend to submit a project at a funding institution and require evidence of the availability of computational resources you should choose this type of project.
Where to Apply
Please apply here for an account to get access to the computing environment.
In the web mask you will have to select <html><input type=“button” value=“request project”></html> choose the project type and fill in the fields with information on the required computational resources. After clicking on <html><input type=“button” value=“Submit Query”></html> you will see a page with information on the project you have just created.
Finally, after uploading all requested documents, please click on the <html><span style=“color:red”>big red button</span></html> to request a technical review of the project by VSC personell. These documents should be a project description for internal and funded projects and a proof of funding issued by a funding institution for funded projects.
Account Validity
After the technical review has been positively completed, the project is then reviewed by the steering committee. If the steering committee approves of the project, the project manager can create user accounts. All user accounts associated with the project have a maximum runtime of 1 year. The project runtime can be extended if necessary. This requires a project report to be filed with the steering committee.