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GPUs available & how to use it

RankNation Machine PerformanceAccelerators
1. Frontier 1206 PFLOPs/s AMD Instinct MI250X
2. Aurora 1012 PFLOPs/s Intel Data Center GPU Max
3. Eagle 561 PFLOPs/s NVIDIA H100
4. Fugaku 442 PFLOPs/s
5. LUMI 379 PFLOPs/s AMD Instinct MI250X
6. Alps 270 PFLOPs/s NVIDIA GH200 Superchip
7. Leonardo 241 PFLOPs/s NVIDIA A100 SXM4
8. MareNostrum 5 ACC 175 PFLOPs/s NVIDIA H100
9. Summit 148 PFLOPs/s NVIDIA V100
Model #cores Clock Freq (GHz)Memory (GB)Bandwidth (GB/s)TDP (Watt)FP32/FP64 (GFLOPs/s)
19x GeForce RTX-2080Ti n375-[001-019] - only in a special project
rtx-2080.jpg 43521.35 11 616 250 13450/420
45×2 nVidia A40 n306[6,7,8]-[001-019,001-019,001-007]
10752 1.305 48 696 300 37400/1169
62×2 nVidia A100-40GB n307[1-4]-[001-015]
6912 0.765 40 1555 250 19500/9700

Interactive mode

1. VSC-5 >  salloc -N 1 -p zen2_0256_a40x2 --qos  zen2_0256_a40x2 --gres=gpu:2

2. VSC-5 >  squeue -u $USER

3. VSC-5 >  srun -n 1 hostname  (...while still on the login node !)

4. VSC-5 >  ssh n3066-012  (...or whatever else node had been assigned)

5. VSC-5 >  module load cuda/9.1.85    
            cd ~/examples/09_special_hardware/gpu_gtx1080/matrixMul
            nvcc ./  

            cd ~/examples/09_special_hardware/gpu_gtx1080/matrixMulCUBLAS
            nvcc -lcublas

6. VSC-5 >  nvidia-smi

7. VSC-5 >  /opt/sw/x86_64/glibc-2.17/ivybridge-ep/cuda/9.1.85/NVIDIA_CUDA-9.1_Samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery/deviceQuery

SLURM submission gpu_test.scrpt

#  usage: sbatch ./gpu_test.scrpt          
#SBATCH -J A40     
#SBATCH -N 1                           #use -N only if you use both GPUs on the nodes, otherwise leave this line out
#SBATCH --partition zen2_0256_a40x2
#SBATCH --qos zen2_0256_a40x2
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:2                   #or --gres=gpu:1 if you only want to use half a node
module purge
module load cuda/9.1.85
PerformancePower Efficiency
  • pandoc/introduction-to-vsc/09_special_hardware/accelerators.1717688330.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/06/06 15:38
  • by goldenberg