This version (2024/12/18 11:02) was approved by goldenberg.The Previously approved version (2024/12/18 11:01) is available.Diff

The Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC)

Important Note

The documentation of the VSC systems and their use has moved to a new location: VSC Documentation

Please only refer to this documentation from now on

If you find something missing or wrong, please contact us via our support services.

Via the sidebar you may navigate through the topics of the VSC user documentation. Search for keywords in the search bar at the top of the page.

Additional documentation about access via Remote Desktop (noMachine) and software with graphical user interface (GUI) can be found at TU coLAB.

Slides of VSC training courses and sample job scripts are found in our GitLab.

VSC Training and Education is provided responding to the users demand for courses in the field of high performance computing.

Please acknowledge the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) when you present or publish your results.

Project managers please add publications resulting from calculations done on the VSC to the publications database on the VSC service website

Feel free to contact us at for all questions not answered here.

  • start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/18 11:02
  • by goldenberg