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From serial to parallel jobs

Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a standard describing the message exchange on distributed computing systems. Generally, at the beginning of an MPI-application several communicating processes are started in parallel. All processes work on the same problem and exchange data between each other.

(See also MPI 3.0 or MPI 2.2)

There are several implementations of the MPI-standard, including MPICH, Open MPI and many more (supporting a certain MPI standard).

Most common languages to work with MPI are Fortran, C, or C++. However, there are also bindings to other languages, e.g., Perl, Python, R, Ruby, Java, or CL.

The parallel version of Rstat is Rmpi which is installed on VSC-2 and VSC-3.

Matlab provides a parallel computing toolbox using MPI and PVM.

Grid computing in Maple also supports the MPI protocol.

Open MP supports multi-platform shared memory multiprocessing programming in C, C++, and Fortran, providing compiler directives, library routines, and environment variables influencing run-time behavior.

  • doku/seriell2par.1430231025.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/04/28 14:23
  • by ir