This version (2022/06/20 09:01) was approved by msiegel.
      PROGRAM testpapi

      include 'f77papi.h'
      real real_time, cpu_timee, mflops
      integer*8 fp_ins
      integer ierr, res

C Call PAPIF_flops to get things started.  This will initialize PAPI
C and start the counters running.  Each of these calls return an
C error code in the 'ierr' parameter.  See below for details on
C how to manage this.

      call PAPIF_FLOPS(real_time, cpu_timee, fp_ins, mflops, ierr)

      write (*,100) real_time*1000000, cpu_timee*1000000, fp_ins, mflops

C Do some computation

C Read the values in the counters and print them out.  Any call to 
C PAPIF_flops with fp_ins set to the value -1 will reinitialize
C all counters to zero.  You might want to do this in order 
C to individually time different portions of your application.

      call PAPIF_FLOPS(real_time, cpu_timee, fp_ins, mflops, ierr)

      write (*,100) real_time*1000000, cpu_timee*1000000, fp_ins, mflops

100   format('           Real time (ms)   :', f15.4,
     +      /'            CPU time (ms)   :', f15.4,
     +      /'Floating point instructions :', i15,
     +      /'                     MFLOPS :', f15.4)

  • doku/papi_hl_fortran.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/07/06 10:17
  • by ir